You be the judge. What are your thoughts?Hello all, Lynnette here. By now you all have probably heard the news of a trusted company whom has partnered with a non trusted company. Garden of Life has now expressed to us how they so excitedly partnered with our opposition of Nestle corporation. This is indeed sad news for consumers. Garden of Life and others will argue that by partnering with such a corrupt and greedy company, that the organic world will have a chance to reach more people in the main stream faux phude world, thus reaching a new clientele and educating the masses about organic and sustainable living. This could very well be a true point, as I, myself, is knows for stepping way outside of the arena to reach a different audience for the organic world. I promote my books and my very trusted companies in main stream grocery stores, I speak at random non organic events and speak inside government funded schools and I even promote my books and trusted companies at events such as preppers expos which is not normally a place to sell these books or organic products. I have made great strides in gaining new customers from areas in which no one had ventured in. Using this method works very well in educating the masses and helps the faux phude customer realize what else is out here and why they should should take notice. With this being said, the huge difference is that I, nor any of the companies I represented, COMPROMISED our integrity! We did not sell out, we did not partner with evill sources. We simply opened a door way for us to walk through and introduce wholesome and pure products to the consumers. We did this by finding a happy solution to the mass confusion market. The companies I represent are proudly placed on the main stream grocery store shelves such as Hy-Vee. This enabled us to do promotions inside the stores to garner the attention of busy shoppers. We did not need funding from out side sources to get us "in", we did not need to partner with an evil empire. Sure, the grocery stores do make a profit on the pure products we placed in there, however, they are NOT controlling any of the companies products, they are simply the middle man to pass on pure products to YOU, the consumer. Do you see the difference here? There is a difference between placing products into markets, in which the public is ALREADY shopping in, to gain their interest in our products and the ones who PARTNER with evil companies in which have control of what the company does or puts into their products. Take a look at Tom's of Main tooth paste, deoderants and mouth wash. They were a great fluoride FREE company for years, UNTIL they sold out to Colgate several years ago. It was not long, maybe a year or two, before Colgate fluoiidated and aluminized the products. Tom's had the very same statement that GOL has. "They have no plans to change us — what we do, what we stand for or what we believe." stated by Brian Ray of GOL Our conclusion, as the Rainbow Warriors Team, on the GOL/Nestle partnership is a fail. You see, as one of our Rainbow Warriors said, "It's a corporate buyout to get the organic world to go away.", we are in a major catch 22 here. Damned if we do, damned if we don't. If we continue to buy GOL, then we support Nestle and give them moe power to control the water and drain all the water aquifers for free as they sell it back to people.. If we boycot GOL, then Nestle STILL wins by getting consumers to NOT have choices of products to buy safely. A great mind scheme Nestle and the PTB came up with. Ingenious idea! However, anyone partnering with a company who believes that water is NOT a human right, UNLESS you buy his water, or get toxic water under HIS terms, has some deep soul searching to do. This is called Labeling Fraud, plain and simple as they so proudly sport the NON GMO project on GOL products when we KNOW Nestle is FOR GMO in the food supply. You be the judge. We will be watching this company very closely to see the changes. Meme photo compliments of one of our Rainbow Warriors, Rudy Twomoon. This is one of the reasons that the Pure Integrity Verified Seal was created. This is also why the clause in the qualifications outline states, "That if a company sells to another company or hires new management, then this is cause for re-evaluation before continuing to carry the seal". This will keep companies in organic and sustainable standards for everyone to eat, drink and sleep safely. Look for and DEMAND this seal in the food, water, clothing and textile industry.
August 2019