I Apologize, but I am NOT Sorry. Find out why.Bula! Everyone. First let me begin by saying how much I really appreciate you all for your friendship or following. Some of you know me personally, while others know me via FB only. Many of you have followed me for several years as some of you are new to my pages. For each of you, I thank you and am deeply grateful. For those of you who do not know me very well, I do not want to state to much here as you can read all my bio on my web page at: HERE However, I am an extremely passionate individual whom is devoted to making the world a much better, brighter, joyful and safer place. What I mean by ‘safer’ is to keep safe products on the market for you and your family. I am passionate due to my long journey dealing with my son’s deadly disease of Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis, while doctors continued to lie and withhold information. I set out on a quest to make awareness, then to educate and lastly to wake the masses up and show them who is lying and who is stealing your money and who the actual frauds are. (You can read more of my journey via my website on my bicycle tour page). I am making a PUBLIC APOLOGY. Yes, you heard me right. However, I am NOT sorry. I will explain why. I am typically not sorry for any postings that I make or information that I put out for the public to see. Most of you have been seeing some, over the edge, posts to expose fraud, schemes, cover-ups and out-right lies. Some of you are taken back by my blatant postings while others understand my nature. While my posts may seem to be of “hatred”, “anger”, “rude” or even “unhappy”, I can assure you that is the farthest from the truth. Those of you who know me, can attest that I am one of the genuinely happiest people on the planet and I walk my talk and preach what I practice. Do I make mistakes? Hell yes! Who doesn’t? Do I say stupid shit? All the time, well a lot! Do I make people angry or upset? Not on purpose! Do I lie? Hell no! Do I steal other’s content? Nope! (It does not give me a sense of feel good unless I know it came from within MY mind) This is why it takes me so much longer to write something as I am doing my research and coming up with my own words and thoughts of the matter. If I say something from someone else, then I clearly quote it and state the source. Some see me as having a ‘razor tongue’ others see me as stating the truth. Either view is OK. The thing that should not be dismissed, is that the information in which I post comes from pure exposure of the fraudulent propaganda that is continually bombarded in our faces. Therefore, I walk a thin line when making public post that people are not ready to see or hear.
Here’s the deal. The reason I began my journey way back in 2005 (actually before that, in 2000, but 2005 was when I went on to further my research about all the lies I was fed about my son’s deadly disease), was to share the TRUTH about my son’s disease, Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis. I needed to share this message far and wide and tell the public they were being LIED to about the pharmaceutical industry and that their own western doctors were lying! You can read Coty's story HERE. I needed to spread this message to save children from dying from this life threatening disease. I set out on a mission to do just that. I did not care how ‘crazy’ people thought I was, I knew I had to get this out to the masses. My journey then turned to studies, working with holistic doctors and chiropractors then finding the truths of all organic food products and companies. I eventually journeyed on to be a huge proponent of the NON GMO Project. I did tours, marches, protest, made phone calls to the senators, congressmen and governors, spoke in schools, colleges and random events. This all led me to discover and Uncover the hidden dark side of all industries. WOW! Bam! I continued to get blindsided and disheartened by company after company after organization. This was disturbing, therefore, I knew I had to change my OWN ways. I had to change my approach to reach the people with the cold hard factual truths, but this time in the organic and holistic arena. Here’s the deal. It is sometimes a ‘damned if you do’ – ‘damned if you don’t’ scenario. If I choose to keep silent on truths that I see and experience personally, then I am guilty of ‘’not letting others know how to protect themselves’ or let them go down a road of deception when I knew all along. Or if I DO say something, then I am presumed ‘guilty’ of being ‘unhappy’, ‘finger-pointing’, ‘angry’ or ‘hasty’. Here are some facts and thoughts to ponderFACT: NON GMO Project is NOT needed for a label. REASON: ORGANIC means NON GMO. When a product has the Organic seal, then it is automatically tested and verified NON GMO. FACT: NON GMO Verified does not mean the product is not sprayed with toxic pesticides, herbicides or the entire package is not tainted with HFCS, Canola oil, Soybean oil or other toxic ingredients. REASON: The NON GMO Project is only in place to see how many seeds have been genetically modified, they do not test for other toxic poisons in the food supply. Non Gmo project does not deny this. FACT: Vaxxed, The Movie is NOT an Anti-Vaxx movie REASON: They have other visions in which they state on their site FACT: There are NO safe vaccines. REASON: None of them have ever been proven to be safe or effective in any case. Vaccines should be abolished. FACT: Nestle Former CEO and now Chairman; Peter Brabeck-Letmathe stated that ‘Water should NOT be a human right, but rather a commodity”. REASON: Nestle wants to control the water supply for the world and sell it back to consumers for a profit. FACT: Garden of Life partnered with Nestle company. REASON: “To get products in more markets”. Real reason: Nestle and other toxic companies are buying as many organic companies as they can to taint the markets. FACT: Health Nut News did misinform the public about the dead doctors scandal and stole information from other people. REASON: Reasons unknown other than embarking on self glorification on dead people? REAL REASON: To scare the public into thinking that the pharmaceutical industry is going around knocking off random doctors. We have verified sources pertaining to stated findings. Granted there is a lot of disinformation circulating around as well as a LOT of corruption in the government and even in the holistic and organic world. I could go on and on about many stories I have published, but I will keep them to a minimal for this blog. Now, as you can see by the facts listed above, we are NOT biased to any one person, company or organization. Although, some people get hit with the truth, hard, therefore, they do not want to believe that someone has been lying to them or deceiving them all along. Thus, we are seen as 'haters' and 'negative' people. Here are a few definitions to ponder deeply.Definitions: HAPPY: adjective, happier, happiest. 1. delighted, pleased, or glad, as over a particular thing:to be happy to see a person. JOY: noun 1.the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by somethingexceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation: She felt the joy of seeing her son's success. HAPPINESS: noun 1.the quality or state of being happy. good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy. TRUTH: noun, plural truths [trooth z, trooths] (Show IPA) 1. the true or actual state of a matter: He tried to find out the truth. 2. conformity with fact or reality; verity: the truth of a statement. 3. verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like: mathematical truths. 4. the state or character of being true. 5. actuality or actual existence. I am NEVER SORRY for speaking the truth. PASSIONATE: adjective 1. having, compelled by, or ruled by intense emotion or strong feeling;fervid: a passionate advocate of socialism. 2. easily aroused to or influenced by sexual desire; ardently sensual. 3., showing, or marked by intense or strong feeling;emotional: passionate language. I posted the above definitions to make some points. You see, there is a lot of confusion about the use of the words, ‘happy’, ‘truth’, ‘happiness’ and ‘joy’. While one would think that happy would mean the same as happiness, actually they have deeper meanings as you will note above. One is ‘happy’ due to an immediate presence of what is presented in front of them. One can obtain ‘happiness’ by digging DEEPER into the realm of the Unseen. Then we have the meaning of ‘JOY’ in which is the emotion of something greater. Now, we come to ‘truth’. Who wants that? After all, it comes with disappointment and perhaps even ‘unhappiness’, right? As I discussed above, you will note that my missions began with SHOUTING the TRUTHS from the mountain tops and I really did NOT care whom I “offended”. I knew the truth needed to get out to save these precious babies to keep them from dying and to let the world know WHO is lying and why. In all my travels and tours around the country, somewhere along my journey, I, myself, got caught up in this worldly vision of “HAPPY” instead of feeding my soul TRUE JOY. I got sidetracked. Therefore, I began spreading nothing but ‘happy’ and ‘positive’ posts to make you feel all fuzzy inside and make you feel like everything is just wonderful! Now, don’t get me wrong, I AM GENUINELY HAPPY and filled with JOY every single day. However, my ‘truth bomb’ posts appear to make people think that I am full of anger or resentment or I am unhappy. You see, the world has been so manipulated that the word ‘happy’ and ‘positive’ now mean, LOOK THE OTHER WAY and let us do what we want. This comes along with the term: OFFENDED. Isn’t it funny how everyone is offended about everything these days? What people need to realize, is that TRUE JOY, that is what I am switching my language to…the word JOY instead of happy, comes from the UNERSTANDING of truths and reasoning behind the madness. Sure, at the moment of finding out truth, we become unhappy. However, that unhappy feeling should pass quickly as we come to understand the state of being in which it came from. Happiness of Joy is not to be confused with that happy “moment” of instinct. This next paragraph goes out to all of my ‘Christian’ friends whom like to tell me I am not reflecting a good ‘nature’. Hmmm. Really? Jesus said he came to bring 'a sword' instead of peace. Think on these verses.
For all of my Agnostic, Nostic, Buddhist, Spiritual, Hindu or Atheist friends out here, are you following me? The world is an upside down backassward place in which everything is hidden behind the ‘happy’ factor. Everyone wants to happy all the woes away and pretend that nothing is going on in the world around them. True enough, we create our OWN peace and joy within us and we can choose to have JOY or don’t choose. However, we are to teach and help those who need guidance. We are to provide great information for everyone to make their OWN informed decisions. The moral of the story and the points that I am wanting to make are, that posting TRUTHS when you have facts to back them up does not make you an unhappy person! Period. When we fully understand that real JOY and HAPPINESS comes with TRUTH, then we can learn how to LIVE life and protect ourselves with the proper armor. Let me ask you all this question. What if I invited you over to my house for a dinner party. I told you that we are having an “ALL ORGANIC” dinner and you can feel TOTALLY safe when enjoying this beautiful dinner because we sourced from the best farmers, companies and stores. That’s all I told you. You all come. What I did not tell you was, we had gluten in the bread, almonds in the gravy, cow’s milk in the sauce and we used canola oil to cook all the dinner with. How would you feel? Let me guess, “happy”? To summarize this blog article for you. I want the world to know, along with my team of Truth Warriors, how WE want nothing but the betterment for humanity, the planet and to protect organic and holistic standards. We are here to PROTECT you from fraud, lies and deception. We are here to present to YOU, the People, the FACTS of all matters. We want you to have factual information to make your own informed decisions. We are PASSIONATE about the health of the world and getting the true messages out to the world. Our passion is misunderstood as ‘anger’, ‘unhappy’, ‘rude’ and ‘hatred’. We are far from any of these. We truly care about YOU and the planet. We get saddened by the fact that others continue to come in and misrepresent the organic, holistic and natural world of amazing companies and products. We are here for YOU, to make sure you are getting the best of the best information and products for your family. We want YOU to be the healthiest and most informed YOU that you can be! While we want you to experience the “Happy” factor, we want you to be EDUCATED and aware so you can be PREPARED for any adversity that may come your way. This way you can experience REAL JOY & HAPPINESS with having peace of mind and free form wonder. Therefore, our Rainbow Warriors Team is NOT only here to help you get the best of the purest organic products, but to help protect humanity and the planet. Here are more great writings from Rainbow Warrior, Rudy Twomoon: Let Our Voices Echo Another great site for you to reference is: War on We the People. Journalist Sherri Kane, along with her team of journalist, bring you the facts of happenings in our world today. I APOLOGIZE for any misunderstandings that some may have had about my intentions or purpose but I am NOT sorry for speaking the TRUTH and getting
the FACTS out to the world. I hope this clears up any animosity that some of you may have had towards myself or my team of truthers. Vinaka Laka Levu Lynnette Marie Facial Serum to Defy Ageing: You can make it yourself!Have you been looking for that perfect skin care 'magic serum' to do what you want it to do for reversing the appearance of ageing, or combating acne, rosacea and toning up the skin? First, let me start by saying, that there is really no 'magic potion'. If you have read chapter 14 in my book, Fuel for the Body, then you will understand my philosophy about skincare routines and products. Also, if you read my bio and the skincare page on this site, you will see that I have a long history in skincare and beauty supplies. I was the regional executive of a prominant toxic company for 8 years. I was a make up artist for 6 years and a modeling teacher for 5 years. I know what the toxic world of chemical poison soup mixes do to your skin and body. (While it may not immediately impact your skin or health, the long run effects are not good. I had my own experience with my skin after long use of the toxic formulas.) As always, if you can't eat it, then don't wear it on your skin. After all, our skin is our largest organ in which is a gate way for passing toxins OR nutrition to our blood cells. We should always look within to get to the basis of our seeming problems with our skin appearances. For instance, take a look at this chart below. It is just a glimpse of how our outward skin reflects ailments going on inside our bodies.
slather our bodies in toxic poisons, then it only makes sense that our internal being will suffer. This is why a lot of people who eat all organic, cannot figure out why they still get sick and diseased. It is because it has not occured to them about using toxic poisons on their bodies. For that matter, it has not occurred to them that their household cleaning products wreak just as much havoc on their health as the toiletries. Are you following me? I dive deeper into this philosophy of skin care routines in my newews book entitled: Feed Your Face...Beyond Skin Deep This book will be released mid March 2018. Will be something worth your read, as it discusses more than outer skin care, but feeding the spirit and mind to reflect your outward over all appearance. I tell you all of this to let you know how very important it is to keep a healthy gut! Cleanse your gut. to cleanse your skin. You really are what you eat from your head down to your feet! smile. Therefore, when we are on that quest to find that 'magical' potion, serum or antedote, it is important to know that these serums, EVEN the organic ones will only work temporily to bandage the problems. Granted, the organic serums will be far better than those toxic department store creams and the organic and edible ones will indeed FEED and NOURISH your cells within. However, if you are not tending to your eco system within you, then you are creating a chemical soup mixture to begin a warfare with your cells. We must care for our abodes we live in, because when that is destroyed, then where else will we live? I encourage you to eat as organic and locally as you possibly can to ensure real wholesome nutrition dwells in your body. Avoid that white, cocain looking stuff that the faux phude industry wants to call sugar, at all cost. Switch to coconut sugars, date sugars, raw cane juice and even stevias or sunroot nectar. This is noted in the 'Sweetest Deception' chapter of Fuel for the Body. Also noted in FFTB, in the 'Salt Phobia' chapter, you will see the importance of switching out your salts to REAL mineralized unbleached salts such as himalayan, redmond real, black salts and deep Mediterranean salts. Avoid sodas at all cost. Lay low on the alcohol intake. I know, there are some out there who say, but red wine is so good for you. Do some research on red wines and how the sulfates cause problems after a few years of consuming this. I know first hand, I was a red wine drinker. White wine is a better option, but on occasion only. Consuming alcohol is a new topic, therefore, just enjoy a drink on special occasions. Eat as many colors of the rainbow as you can. Sure, you have heard this time and again It is true. Did you know that by consuming a large amount of leafy greens and carrots, that it can help increase your natural tanning ability without doing much sun bathing? Yes, it is true, the more organic greens and carrots you consume, your skin will begin producing more melonin, which is the natural pigment that enables your skin to darken naturally. We will talk about this in another blog. There is so much more I could tell you on this topic, but I am keeping it short for this blog because I know you are patiently awaiting on the 'magical' serum you can make yourself! Basic rules are to aviod those products I just mentioned. Furthermore, lay off going to fast 'faux' phude places and lay off on processed foods that come in a box. Incorporating these habbits will greater enhance your ability to achieve the skin you desire. Try out my 'Edible Shower/Bath' routine listed here on this website. There are many other oils and routines that I have not listed here as those are used in other concoctions I make up. I use other oils on my skin such as black cumin seed, lavendar, avocado and rose hip, however, I chose these specific oils to do a certain task that anyone can use for any skin type. OK, now down to the reasoning for this blog. The Best Beauty Serum YOU can make at home. Of course, if you do not want to take the time to purchase all the oils and bottles and you do not want to take time to make it yourself, you can purchase the ready "Made with LOVE' directly from us. We have made a great package with Plant Spirit Botanical Company to get our TRIBAL Line of products out to you. The Rainbow Warriors Tribal Line. How cool is that? Just mention discount code: LOVEOILS10 for 10% off. Some of you may be wondering why in the world I chose these certain oils, after all, some of them seem a bit out there for skin care. Let me explain why I chose these particular oils for this serum. I will list the oils that I chose and their benefits. Keep in mind that the benefits I mention here are very minimal. The oils listed have so many other uses and benefits for other remedies. However, I wanted to keep it focused on skin care rather than explaining about each oil and where they came from. As noted in my last blog, it is always important to choose oils that are 'Aroma-therapeutic' grade. As this will ensure the safetiness and performance of the oil. It is also a good note to take that really pure companies should have the Pure Integrity Verified Seal such as Plant Spirit Botanical Company does. First oil of choice is CARDAMOM. Now that's a strange oil for skin care, right? Let's see the benefits. Cardamom is an aromatherapy and is known for it's warming abilities and exotic frangrance. This aroma has a calming effect on the senses. Just breathing in this awesome aroma takes you to your own happy world! Therefore, I chose this in part, due to it's calming fragrance. Next, as it was used in the African and Middle Eastern cuisines, it's particular therapeutic qualities have already been pointed out in historic Vedic texts, that date back to 3000 years! The Egyptians also utilized cardamom in perfumes as well as incense. Due to it's high quality of iron and copper content, this makes it essential for cellular energy metabolism along with the generation of red blood corpuscles. This is one of the main reasons I chose this oil as it generates on a cellular energy level. It also sports manganese and postassium in which support the anti-oxidant levels of the oil. Ahh, and then there is the awesome stimulant and aphrodiiac effect it has. How can you go wrong with that? Lastly, why I chose this oil, is that is gives skin radiance. If you want to get completely glowing skin, very few things are as good as cardamom oil. It is full of Vitamin C as well and we know the importance of this beauty vitamin. Not only does it give skin it's radiant glow, it acts as a powerful anti-oxidant and detoxifies our entire body. This helps to reverse the damage caused by free radicals. It is also great for just an emotional well being. What better way to absorb and smell the aroma than by wearing it on your face?! Next, I chose GERANIUM. This is a great oil and popular in the skin care industry. Why? It has an astringent property in which induces contractions in various parts of the body, including skin. This enables it to keep the skin from sagging and therefore, preventing wrinkles or even softening wrinkles. It reduces scar marks, even those from surgical proceedures as well as acne scars or chicken pox. Who wants unsightly scars on their face? This is your antedote. It also inproves the circulation of the blood in which enhances the ability of melanin production. The pigment that softly darkens your skin, naturally. Geranium promotes cell regeneration in which recycles dead skin cells into regenerating new ones to give your skin a continued brighter glow. It is very beneficial in treating dermatitis, ecesma and other skin infections as well as it works great in combating acne. It has also been prized by the Egyptians for keeping beautiful radiant skin. BERGAMOT is another unsuspecting oil that I chose for this serum. Why? This oil has alpha-pinence and limonene in which are anti-depressants as well as stimulating. This aroma creates a fresh and happy feeling, therefore helping to relieve sadness. Bergamot oil is also anti-bacterial in which help to cleanse oily skin and prevent other skin ailments, it is also anti-inflammatory which helps the pain from headaches or muscle tension, it is anti-fungal and anti-spasmodic. It also aids in the help of reducing scars and evening out your skin tone to have a more clear complexion. It can also relieve congestion when placing several drops of this oil in your hands and cupping them over your nose and mouth to inhale deeply. Next on the list is my all time favorite! The Fabulous FRANKINCENSE! It is another oil with astounding astringent properties. It helps in the caring of wounds such as deep cuts, scrapes and burns. It helps to fade scars at a much faster rate and even will fade stretch marks! It is cytophylactic, in nature, meaning it helps to generate new cells for skin purification. With this component along with the components of the astringent property, this oil is a catalist for rapidly reducing the signs of ageing such as age spots, scars, wrinkles and discoloration. This oil is great for relieving deep head injuries such as concussions. (I used this for my daughter's treatment) Simply rub a few drops on the back of the neck and on the spine and inside the belly button and the oils will be despensed throught out the nervous system rapidly and easier to help in alleviating the cause of injury. It is alos great fro tightening the muscles in the skin to prevent sagging. This oil is known as the "King of Kings" of the oils as it is very beneficial to remove skin tags, worts and moles. This oil was also used in the regimens of the queens of Egypt and Greek Goddesses. Now comes another unsuspecting essential oil. The awesomeness of ROSEMARY. Why? While this oil may not be popular in the skin care industry, it sports some amazing qualities to heal the body, mind, spirit and SKIN. The companies who use this oil are mainly hair care companies as this oil is known to stimulate hair growth and prevent or reverse baldness. It has high aantimicrobial and antiseptic qualities that make it beneficial in efforts to aid in the elimination of ecsema, dermatitis, oily skin, and acne, even adult acne. It helps to keep the skin tone in color and relieves dryness in which will result in a healthy glow when applied regularly. Rosemary has been known for it's memory boosting qualities as well as stimulates the brain cells to promote cognative function. It was considered a sacred oil in religous ceremonies by the Romans, Greeks, Egyptions and Hebrews. It is actually named as the most potent and powerful herbs and oil on the planet! How awesome is that? Now, would you want to have the most powerful herb and oil on the planet to use on your skin? I sure would, which is why I chose this oil. ;-) It is very rich in anti-oxidants which repair and remedy a load of ailments, but it is also very rich in carnosol in which is known to combat cancer cells and has anti-inflammatory properties. Studies are still out there being done on the use of this oil to rid your body of cellulite! Wow! (I have actually been trying this out and it seems to be working along with the regular dry brushing routine I have.) There are somewhere between 400 and 500 phytochemicals in rosemary essential oil.
OK, here is another odd oil to use in skin care. THYME. Who would have ever thought? Me! Why? Tyme has been used for thousands of years, mainly in the Mediterranean regions, then migrated over to the Greek regimens. It is a great herb commonly used in Ayurverdic practices due to it's high anti-carcinogenic properties. It helps to oxygenate the blood and cells, therefore allowing more blood circulation to improve the healing aids of the body. The more oxygen we have in our bodies, the better off we can ward of cancers and diseases. One of this herb's main components of the oil is Cicatrizant, this component helps to speed the healing of scar tissue and vanish spots on the skin. This is one of it's most prized possessions. Thyme is also loaded with Vitamin A and Vitamin C. These two power vitamins for skin are priceless! Or should I say, Ageless!!! The Ancient Egyptians used this oil for embalming. I know, eeewww, but it was due to it's properties of high thymol as it kills off bacteria and fungus. On the other side, the Middle Ages of the Europeans would put the raw herb under their pillows to get a more peaceful and restful sleep. Thyme oil is cleansing and purifying for the skin. A great way to wash your face is to add some drops of this oil into some purified water and cleanse your face with it. Also in the Middle Ages, Thyme was given to knights and warriors before they went into battle by ladies as it was thought to impart courage to its bearer. Now, that's the kind of oil I want to use on my skin! Lastly is the beutiful ORANGE oil. Why? We know that citrus fruits are high in Vitamin C, mainly in the peels of the fruits. The peel is where the essential oil comes from Vitamin C is great for promoting clear skin due to it's high anti-microbial properties. It is also known to reduce the appearance of dark spots and even deminish them as well as it is a known agent to promote collagen in the skin. The more collagen your skin has, the better elasticity it has, therefore, preventing the signs of ageing such as fine lines and age spots. Due to it's high level of anti-oxidants, it is great for combating free radical damage and has anti-inflammatory abilities in which help to prevent the growth of cancers. Of course, the essential oil of Orange could not be left out of this serum. The coconut oil is great for a carrier oil to distribute the essentials throughout your body. Coconut oil is also beneficial in protecting the skin from harmful UVB rays. The castor oil is an overall great oil to combat a host of ailments such as ecsema, dandruff, psoriasis, rashea and acne. The almond oil is great for really softening the skin and leaving it feel silky smooth as well as it helps to protect the skin against the toxins from bombarding your skin cells. These three oils, combined together, make the most amazing silkening oil you can get. Your skin will indeed thank you and you will want to continually feel of your skin to see if it is real! hahah, seriously, it is a great combination in which can be used for ANY skin type. As I discuss in my skincare chapter, coconut oil and caster oils are great at combating acne. For you teenagers out there who are worried about this 'oily' serum being to oily, no, indeed it is great for your skin. What a great jump start to preserve that youthful glow, while you are young in the first place! There you have it, a short insight of my skincare reasoning and what different oils do for the skin. As mentioned, if you want to make this serum yourself, please email us for detailed recipe and instructions. This serum is potent, therefore it only takes a few drops to work it's 'magic'. Apply about 4 drops for your entire face and massage in gently in upward circular motions. Oh, and I forgot to mention that this Renew Serum is great for HAIR health as well! The oils and castor oil used in it are great treatments for hair follicles. Simply dab a few drops directly on your scalp and massage through your hair. If you would rather not deal with finding products and making it yourself, then we have the remedy for you! You can purchase it directly through us! Enjoy~ Blog written by: Lynnette Marie A Fun Tribal Deodorant Body SprayLooking for that perfect natural deodorant that actually works and that is easy and inexpensive? I have tried so many organic deodorants from all around the country, with no avail of working all day and keeping me smelling and feeling fresh. I've liked the solid salt rock the best as it prevents odors, but it never kept me feeling or smelling fresh. I wanted something with multiple purposes, something that could benefit me for more than just an odor eater. I wanted to feel fresh and smell fresh. (even during the heaviest of perspiration times as we know perspiring is very important for us to eliminate toxins better) I wanted my deodorant to benefit me in other ways as well such as a nice bug repellant, or adding benefits to my body such as stimulatig my cells and detoxing my body and enhancing my ability to keep my blood circulating. I also wanted something that would not irritate my skin. I had bad experiences with lemon juice breaking my arms out in a rash to last for 7 days! The lemon juice was amazing in ridding odors and keeping me fresh, but the citris acid in the juice wreaked havoc on my arms! Therefore, it was important for me to have something that would actually soothe my skin and at the same time, keep it soft and smoothe. Also, if I could get more magnesium in my body for my kidney health, that would be a plus for sure! Well, after much research on just the right oils and other products, I am so excited to say: "I FOUND THE BODY DEODORANT that works! for both women and men!" Please be mindful of the quality of essential oils you buy. It is very important to know the sources for essential oils and that they are pure and not watered down. It is also important that the oils you use are 'Aroma-therapeutic' quality as well. This will ensure you are getting the purest oils. Also, it helps when a company is Pure Integrity Verified as well! ;-) All ingrediets should be organic and water should be filtered. Here is an easy to do body spray I created for an awesome body deodorant spray! This liquid deodorant has been tried and tested right here in the smeltering heat of the South Pacific Islands by both Jonathan and I. It feels amazing, fresh and stays through out the entire day with you!!! HAPPY WARRIOR BODY Tribal Deodorant Spray Purified water Baking soda Magnesium Bath flakes / salts Essential oils of: Geranium, Coriander, Bergamot, Rosemary and Lemongrass. You can either message for exact recipe for this deodorat OR you can purchase this deodorant already made and ready to go for you. Just ask! Shopping page coming to you shortly! We are super happy to be partnering with Plant Spirit Botanical Company to present our Tribal Collections to you! What makes these oils so awesome for an under arm deodorant? You can use this spray for an all over body spray to remedy other conditions as well. I am only going to list a few benefits of each oil, although there are many other health benefits in which are used in other remedies. I chose these particular oils due to the research I did to see what oils worked best to combat body odors, toxins and germs in the body. I also chose these oils due to their therapuetic qualities to aid other conditions of the body. Lastly, I chose these oils due to the scent they would make together. ;-) CORIANDER ESSENTIAL OIL: This oil reduces bad breath and eliminates mouth and body odor when used either internally or externally. The aroma of coriander oil mixes with sweat and fights body odor. Coriander oil also fights odor coming from your gut and secreting through your mouth. This oil helps to inhibit bacterial growth in your mouth and around your sweat glands, therefore preventing bad odors pourig out. This is a great oil to help combat depression as well. Just the scent alone will soothe the spirits. For those needing a boost in libido, guess what? It is a natural aphrodisiac! It has been used in random traditions around the world to fulfill sexual enhancements, naturally! GERANIUM ESSENTIAL OIL: This oil has strong anti-microbial and ant-ibacterial properties These anti-bacterial properties kill the bacteria that cause body odors. As you perspire, your body will release a nice scent as opposed to yucky odors. Geranium is an excellent bug repellent too! . It reduces inflammation, helps relieve anxiety and aids in keeping your hormones balanced. . This is another oil that will heighten your mood and lift your spirits due to it's sweet smelling aroma. ROSEMARY ESSENTIAL OIL: This oil is an excellent brain and nerve tonic. Due to it's memory boosting ability, Rosemary increases concentration in which the oil is thefore used by students to help them have better studies. This oil is also great for deminishing depression and brain fog. It really helps to sniff this oil through out the day to increase memory and stimulate the brain cell. Rosemary is great at removing bad odors, clearing the respiratory tract and has a hypnotic aroma! Due to it's unique aroma, it is a great help aid to relieve headaches, muscle pains and even arthritis. BERGAMOT ESSENTIAL OIL: This oil also helps eliminate bad odors coming from the body. It has a refreshing aroma. This aroma prevents the growth of germs in which cause body odors. It is a great aid to imporve blood circulation as well. The components of Bergamot oil, such as alpha-pinene and limonene, are antidepressant and stimulating in their natural state. Bergamot oil stimulates the senses to have feeling of freshness, joy and enhanced energy. It is a great help aid for unhealthy teeth when used in a mouth wash as it kills oral germs and prevents cavities LEMONGRASS ESSENTIAL OIL: This oil is a great deodorant all on it's own. It's fresh , crisp aroma is a joy to the senses and invigorates the cells. Lemongrass also helps to cure many nervous disorders such as: shaking of the hands, veritgo, nervousness, convulsions, sluggishness and lack of reflexes It strengthens and stimulates the nerves through out the body. It is also a natural bug repellant. . The inhallation of this oil can help to calm the nerves. It has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties in which remedy many skin conditions and prevent germs from spreading bad odors. MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE FLAKES: As most of us are aware, most Americans are extremely difficient in magnesium. What a better way to get some additional electrolyttes in your blood stream than by daily deodorant use? Magnesium Chloride is a natural electrolyte. Mag. Chlor. is a great way to detox the cells and purify the tissues. It has a strong excretory effect on toxins and stagnant energies stuck in the tissues of the body in which it draws them out through the pores of the skin. BAKING SODA: We know baking soda has been used for centuries for cooking and deodorizing foods and even the fridge Baking soda is known as nahcolite, which is part of the natural mineral natron. Baking soda also kills fungi, mold and parasites! It reduces muscle pain and fatigue and promotes kidney health. Baking soda provided relief for itchy skin and even sun burns. It is also great to wash your hands with as it helps to soften and exfolliate the skin. Old time teeth remedies for whiter teeth as it also prevents cavities and treats cavities. It is great for soothing bug bites. The benefits of baking soda go on and on, but I will stop here for the benefit of making this awesome spray deodorant! There you have it! The best deodorant I can use, happily! As mentioned, you can message us for the exact recipe OR you can inquire about purchasing your own in an amber glass bottle. Article by: Lynnette Marie |
August 2019