What the social media news says happened in the Monsanto Shareholder meeting, and what ACTUALLY happened in the meeting. THE FOLLOWING TRUTH REPORT WAS PUBLISHED ON A MAJOR MEDIA OUTLET AND WAS CENSORED BY BLACKMAIL IN LESS THAN A WEEK. MONSANTO SHAREHOLDERS MEETING ON 01/30/2015 **(Everything high lighted in blue & gray is directly taken from Monsanto's pages and their quotes. Everything in red high light is taken from social media quotes directly. Everything in purple is OUR direct information and decoding). What social media says "happened" at the Monsanto shareholders meeting: "Proxy passed 53%!!!!! Amazing! I did what I set out to do!!! Every person in that room is questioning Monsanto's business!" What ACTUALLY happened in the Monsanto Shareholder's meeting January 30, 2015: Listen to YouTube audio below. PLEASE EVERYONE, EDUCATE YOURSELVES on what the different proxies are. Was the proxy passed? If it does pass, is it for YOU, the consumer? Was it in YOUR interest? "Though that proposal was NONBINDING, it got 53% of shares voted (This in no way implies that it PASSED) and Mr. Grant said that Monsanto directors would likely alter its policy in response". (Of course they will...it is in their best interest to alter...they always alter their policies. Remember, share holders money is at stake here. Profitability is bottom line). ;-) *Because Harrington’s proposal was advisory, the “yes” vote does not mean Monsanto’s Board or management is required to implement it. Grant was less than committal about possibly implementing it. (*quote taken from: http://napavalleyregister.com/business/napa-s-harrington-wins-vote-at-monsanto/article_9c0dd122-c805-58ee-be40-8ce70d1ee037.html ) Therefore, when we see an actual iron clad voting of YES, let's change Monsanto's policies, THEN we will consider this a VICTORY. “The ink is still wet on this vote,” Grant said. He said since Monsanto has its annual meeting earlier in the year than most companies, he intends to watch how others companies respond to similar proposals. “We will continue outreach,” he said, adding it is likely “when we are back next year we will have modified our approach.” Was everyone in the room questioning Monsanto's business? Really? Did Hugh Grant really cringe? Keep in mind, also, that ANYONE can be a shareholder and Monsanto welcomes those who just want to "Buy" shares to be able to get in to their meetings. How long would it be before US as shareholders to actually get enough of US to buy shares to be able to even vote? Stay tuned for more details coming to you next week in regard to interviews with FFTB Team and Monsanto. Please just know the facts and understand what the REAL SOLUTION can be! Here are the "proxies" that were up for vote: http://www.monsanto.com/investors/documents/annual%20report/2014/monsanto-2014-proxy-statement.pdf http://finance.gcnewsgazette.com/filing/defa14a/0001193125-14-438448/cik-1110783/ *All excerpts taken directly from Monsanto's web links above. "Here we present an overview of information that you will find throughout this proxy statement. As this is only a summary, we encourage you to read the entire proxy statement for more information about these topics prior to voting". PROXY ITEM NO. 1: ELECTION OF DIRECTORS 30 How We Select Our Director Nominees 30 Nominees and Current Board of Directors 33 REPORT OF THE AUDIT AND FINANCE COMMITTEE 40 PROXY ITEM NO. 2: RATIFICATION OF INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM 42 PROXY ITEM NO. 3: ADVISORY (NON-BINDING) VOTE APPROVING EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION 44 REPORT OF THE PEOPLE AND COMPENSATION COMMITTEE 45 EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION (see detailed table of contents for this section on page 46) Executive Compensation Tables 70 PROXY ITEM NO. 4: SHAREOWNER PROPOSAL: Lobbying Report 87 PROXY ITEM NO. 5: SHAREOWNER PROPOSAL: Shareowner Proxy Access 89 PROXY ITEM NO. 6: SHAREOWNER PROPOSAL: Independent Board Chairman It is important to take note of what actually passed and what is NON-BINDING. Share owners approved a non-binding proposal requesting adoption of proxy access. “The board will take into consideration the shareowner vote and the thoughtful shareowner discussion we’ve had regarding the evolving role of proxy access,” said Robert Stevens, Monsanto Lead Director and Chair of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee. “The company will seek additional shareowner input through the company’s long-standing share owner outreach program in connection with its consideration of its corporate governance policies and practices.” "Additional voting results will be included in the company’s Form 8-K. An audio replay of the annual share owners meeting will be available by visiting the investor section of Monsanto’s website". St. Louis, Mo. - "The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) and Moms across America (MAA) confronted Monsanto (NYSE: MON ) executives today at the St. Louis-based corporation’s annual shareholders meeting". We're sorry, but NO ONE confronted anyone. It was an OPEN meeting for ALL discussions for any share holder. It was a nice meeting and discussions. Sure enough, some of the share holders whom bought shares "ONLY" to get in meetings did indeed bring up the discussions about the safety of the Roundup/Glyphosate and Monsanto's use of toxic chemicals. Any of US can buy shares to get into their meetings. Monsanto knows this and they welcome any of us to do so. Furthermore, EVERYONE in that meeting got to meet Mr. Hugh Grant himself. It is not a secret thing to do or a hush meeting. So please, we urge you to do your homework on exactly what happens in meetings and know what articles, items and proxies actually mean. Please listen to our founder, Lynnette Marie, and her story of growing up on Monsanto farming in the 1970s and 80s in the video blog on her YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuTMVrQkOpE Here are a few words from our founder: "Growing up on Monsanto farming with my grand parents, I am very sensitive to the fact that these farmers really DO care and really do trust in Monsanto. My grand parents thought they were doing the right thing when they incorporated all the poisons on their farm lands.They loved human kind and never left a child unfed. These farmers are not mean people by any means nor do they want to inflict harm on the public. They truly believe they are feeding the masses with their farming methods. In this day and time, after 40 years have passed, it is more and more difficult for the pesticide infested crops to survive change. It is difficult for the Monsanto family farmer to rely on anything but their pesticides and herbicides. It is our responsibility to encourage and educate the actual farmers. It is within our power to tell the farmers that their systems are destroying the planet, one crop at a time. We simply can not expect to go into a shareholders' meeting and convince that farmer they are poisoning the people. We for sure can not expect to march right in to a meeting and expect for all to bow down to us and change their mind just like that. It is on their turf, it is their decisions and their futures at stake. Therefore, for us to believe that the simple 'introduction of the new proxy" of possibly allowing the shareholders to elect board members to the board in our favor, would be to believe that we can take ownership of the Monsanto corporation. So getting the shareholders to elect board members will only allow them to pick from the candidates already on board and nominated by the corporate officials them selves. The solution lies in other entities to RESTORE our planet. The SOLUTION to this madness is our ability to be self sufficient as well as having a way to see company transparency in the organic world itself ". The audio recorded in this blog was recorded directly from Monsanto's actual meeting. HOWEVER, you can go your self directly to this website for a couple more days and hear the exact same recording. This way you can see, that absolutely NOTHING was altered or taken away from the recording. Even after it is removed, you can look at the image at the end of this post and verify that our video is the same duration of Monsanto's, with a few extra seconds due to recording. Absolutely nothing is missing. Please go here>>>>> http://edge.media-server.com/m/p/mojmtw5m Namaste~ |
August 2019