Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis
Please Help Them Breathe
the Buddies for Breathing Campaign
This is one of the main reasons for my passionate outreach. I always considered myself to be a 'health nut', but it never clicked with me about the toxins and artificial ingredients that were lurking in our foods. Hey, I grew up on 'Monsanto' farming. We ate our veggies and had good 'home grown' eats! Wow, were my eyes opened after our visit with this amazing physician in Denver, Colorado.
Read more on my blog post HERE
Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis is a disease that is often misdiagnosed
as asthma, reflux and bronchitis. The symptoms are often ignored.
It kills more children than HIV and heart related diseases. We need to get public
awareness out about this silent killer.
Our son, Coty, nearly died from this horrible disease on two occasions. He under went 21 surgeries with 7 different surgeons before we were led to Dr. Nigel Pashley in Denver, CO from a nice doctor in Memphis, TN (Dr. Jerome Thompson). After visiting Dr. Pashley, we found out this was the only doctor in the US using alternative therapies to treat this life threatening and incurable disease! Coty did incur 7 more surgical treatments over a period of almost 2 years with Dr. Pashley. As a result of the alternative treatments, Coty is now disease FREE and surgery FREE. (As of this date of 2014, it has been 10 years since Coty's last surgery and / or doctor visit.
We are still very passionate and dedicated in helping other parents of ill children as well as adult onset disease to find other TRUE resources. If we would have stopped at the last surgeon in Memphis and took his word that there was nothing else to do for Coty, then he would not be here with us today. Children are dying rapidly because of lack of understanding of this disease and lack of awareness that this disease even exists.
What is RRP
Recuurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis is a rare disease in which tumors grow inside the larynx, primarily on the vocal chords, but sometimes spreading to the trachea and even in the lungs. (Coty had it in all 3 places) RRP presents most commonly in children younger than 5 years (juvenile-onset) or in persons in the fourth decade of life (adult-onset). Research has determined that the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is present in these respiratory tumors. These growths are often associated with two specific types of the virus (HPV6 & HPV11). The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) does that ring a bell? It should.
Risk factors for RRP include being first born, undergoing vaginal delivery, or having a mother younger than 20 years. This is due to toxins the first born gathers from the mother if she had high toxic residue in her system, such as pesticides, fertilizers or artificial ingredients in foods. The first born gathers the bulk of the toxins from the mother as opposed to the 2nd or 3rd children. Since 1981, when the HIV epidemic was first recognized, almost twice as many people have died of papilloma virus diseases than have died of AIDS.
How is RRP Diagnosed
Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis is typically diagnosed by an ear, nose and throat physician performing an examination of the larynx. The physician will either place a flexible, fiber-optic camera through the nose to further visualize the vocal folds in the throat, or will use a straight, rigid camera that will insert into the mouth and shine down the throat onto the vocal folds. To make an absolute diagnosis, seek a natural practicing physician to help you understand the different strategies of complete diagnosis. A biopsy will be performed so the patient can be tested for HPV (Human Papilloma Virus).
Remember the HPV affects girls AND boys and keep in mind that this virus mainly attacks the vocal chords NOT genital area in which big pharma such as Merck is trying to imply. So please beware of such misconceptions from such companies and media messages. Although this disease IS very DEADLY and scary, the chances
of it turning to cancer and std, is a very little percentage, if 1%. Don't get me wrong, this IS a deadly disease, but the WRONG approach to the HPV was introduced by Merck after we "FOUND" the cure to this epidemic. Please ask me for more details.
Pediatricians who are unfamiliar with this disease often misdiagnose RRP. These young patients commonly present with a weak cry, episodes of choking, hoarseness, or failure to thrive. Many times, shortness of breath and stridor in these patients are mistakenly assumed to be the result of asthma or croup. These errors may be life-threatening, as these symptoms may indicate that papillomas are causing upper airway obstruction. In this case, the papillomas should be removed immediately.
What are the symptoms of RRP?
The most common symptom of RRP is a voice that is constantly hoarse, weak, low in pitch, breathy or strained. Often loss of voice can occur as well. As the disease progresses, shortness of breath occurs as the airway becomes blocked by bulky lesions. Although this is more common in children, in some situations RRP can cause breathing difficulties in adults, especially during exercise. Young children often present a weak cry, chronic cough, swallowing difficulties and stridor. Stridor is noted by noisy breathing such as a high pitch whistle or snore as the child strains during inhalation, usually as they sleep which can become deadly; hence- sudden infant death syndrome. This is indicative of an upper respiratory obstruction and warrants immediate attention by an otolaryngologist.
RRP related symptoms may develop gradually over months or even years in mild cases, but in very aggressive situations, symptoms may emerge in a matter of days.
Other Considerations
The otolaryngologist should make a substantial time commitment to have a frank and open discussion with newly diagnosed patients and families regarding the nature of their disease and the proposed management/treatment approach. Surgical details should be discussed including the risk of problems such as possible scarring, airway edema and airway fire with the use of the laser. In many cases, speech therapy may be helpful. Vocal function exercise may reduce stiffness.
Establishing a balanced use of respiration, phonation and resonation may be appropriate.
The patient should be advised about avoiding certain medications (mainly Rx drugs) or products which treat gastro-intestinal reflux disease, asthma or respiratory infection. These medications such as Prevacid should be avoided as they tend to compromise immune function which allows more aggressive growth of the papilloma, thus leading to rapid airway blockage and suffocation. This is just one of the therapies which nearly killed our son. The first near death experience with our son was at age 18 months young.
Furthermore, it is equally important to incorporate a complete toxic-FREE diet and rid your home of all toxic cleaners even toiletry items. It is best to get information from a natural practicing practitioner and one who has studied this rare disease. Please, please be aware of mis-informed doctors and the immediate need for surgery. Had we been introduced to Dr. Pashley in our son's early years, he would not have encountered so many surgeries and would have had a much better quality of life.
Is There A Cure For RRP
Although it is said that there is no actual "cure" for this disease, it may be and has been successfully treated. Our son, Coty, is a living, breathing and walking testimony of a disease free and surgery free life. Therefore, we say our son is indeed cured after 10 years.
The goals of therapy are to relieve the airway obstruction, improve voice quality and facilitate remission. Some alternative therapies include the use of Interferon, indole 3-carbinol (13-C) and the mumps injection
(NOT the vaccine) Protocol.
Just one of about three alternative therapies to treat this deadly disease is the
Mumps Virus with OUT the mercury! However, the virus is injected directly
into the papilloma. The patient must receive at least 45 ampules of the mumps virus
to effectively put in remission. However, the patient can only receive 5 injections at one time, or it would kill them. The injections are NOT in arm or leg, they are directly inserted into the papilloma via surgical procedures while patient is of course asleep.
'Not all wheezers are asthmatic'
If you have any questions at all about this disease and would like me
to send you pamphlets on therapies and doctors, please do not hesitate to call
Lynnette Pate: 417-429-3559
the Coty Pate Foundation for Respiratory Papillomatosis
1. We started the foundation a few years ago after the 2nd near death experience
with our son, Coty, to raise public awareness about this disease
2. we need to get appropriate treatments for these children
3. often mis-diagnosed as reflux, asthma and bronchitis. Coty underwent 21
surgeries before we had proper diagnosis.
4. this disease kills more children than HIV, or heart related diseases.
Thanks to Dr. Pashley, Coty is still alive!
5. there are a limited number of physicians to treat this disease.
as asthma, reflux and bronchitis. The symptoms are often ignored.
It kills more children than HIV and heart related diseases. We need to get public
awareness out about this silent killer.
Our son, Coty, nearly died from this horrible disease on two occasions. He under went 21 surgeries with 7 different surgeons before we were led to Dr. Nigel Pashley in Denver, CO from a nice doctor in Memphis, TN (Dr. Jerome Thompson). After visiting Dr. Pashley, we found out this was the only doctor in the US using alternative therapies to treat this life threatening and incurable disease! Coty did incur 7 more surgical treatments over a period of almost 2 years with Dr. Pashley. As a result of the alternative treatments, Coty is now disease FREE and surgery FREE. (As of this date of 2014, it has been 10 years since Coty's last surgery and / or doctor visit.
We are still very passionate and dedicated in helping other parents of ill children as well as adult onset disease to find other TRUE resources. If we would have stopped at the last surgeon in Memphis and took his word that there was nothing else to do for Coty, then he would not be here with us today. Children are dying rapidly because of lack of understanding of this disease and lack of awareness that this disease even exists.
What is RRP
Recuurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis is a rare disease in which tumors grow inside the larynx, primarily on the vocal chords, but sometimes spreading to the trachea and even in the lungs. (Coty had it in all 3 places) RRP presents most commonly in children younger than 5 years (juvenile-onset) or in persons in the fourth decade of life (adult-onset). Research has determined that the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is present in these respiratory tumors. These growths are often associated with two specific types of the virus (HPV6 & HPV11). The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) does that ring a bell? It should.
Risk factors for RRP include being first born, undergoing vaginal delivery, or having a mother younger than 20 years. This is due to toxins the first born gathers from the mother if she had high toxic residue in her system, such as pesticides, fertilizers or artificial ingredients in foods. The first born gathers the bulk of the toxins from the mother as opposed to the 2nd or 3rd children. Since 1981, when the HIV epidemic was first recognized, almost twice as many people have died of papilloma virus diseases than have died of AIDS.
How is RRP Diagnosed
Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis is typically diagnosed by an ear, nose and throat physician performing an examination of the larynx. The physician will either place a flexible, fiber-optic camera through the nose to further visualize the vocal folds in the throat, or will use a straight, rigid camera that will insert into the mouth and shine down the throat onto the vocal folds. To make an absolute diagnosis, seek a natural practicing physician to help you understand the different strategies of complete diagnosis. A biopsy will be performed so the patient can be tested for HPV (Human Papilloma Virus).
Remember the HPV affects girls AND boys and keep in mind that this virus mainly attacks the vocal chords NOT genital area in which big pharma such as Merck is trying to imply. So please beware of such misconceptions from such companies and media messages. Although this disease IS very DEADLY and scary, the chances
of it turning to cancer and std, is a very little percentage, if 1%. Don't get me wrong, this IS a deadly disease, but the WRONG approach to the HPV was introduced by Merck after we "FOUND" the cure to this epidemic. Please ask me for more details.
Pediatricians who are unfamiliar with this disease often misdiagnose RRP. These young patients commonly present with a weak cry, episodes of choking, hoarseness, or failure to thrive. Many times, shortness of breath and stridor in these patients are mistakenly assumed to be the result of asthma or croup. These errors may be life-threatening, as these symptoms may indicate that papillomas are causing upper airway obstruction. In this case, the papillomas should be removed immediately.
What are the symptoms of RRP?
The most common symptom of RRP is a voice that is constantly hoarse, weak, low in pitch, breathy or strained. Often loss of voice can occur as well. As the disease progresses, shortness of breath occurs as the airway becomes blocked by bulky lesions. Although this is more common in children, in some situations RRP can cause breathing difficulties in adults, especially during exercise. Young children often present a weak cry, chronic cough, swallowing difficulties and stridor. Stridor is noted by noisy breathing such as a high pitch whistle or snore as the child strains during inhalation, usually as they sleep which can become deadly; hence- sudden infant death syndrome. This is indicative of an upper respiratory obstruction and warrants immediate attention by an otolaryngologist.
RRP related symptoms may develop gradually over months or even years in mild cases, but in very aggressive situations, symptoms may emerge in a matter of days.
Other Considerations
The otolaryngologist should make a substantial time commitment to have a frank and open discussion with newly diagnosed patients and families regarding the nature of their disease and the proposed management/treatment approach. Surgical details should be discussed including the risk of problems such as possible scarring, airway edema and airway fire with the use of the laser. In many cases, speech therapy may be helpful. Vocal function exercise may reduce stiffness.
Establishing a balanced use of respiration, phonation and resonation may be appropriate.
The patient should be advised about avoiding certain medications (mainly Rx drugs) or products which treat gastro-intestinal reflux disease, asthma or respiratory infection. These medications such as Prevacid should be avoided as they tend to compromise immune function which allows more aggressive growth of the papilloma, thus leading to rapid airway blockage and suffocation. This is just one of the therapies which nearly killed our son. The first near death experience with our son was at age 18 months young.
Furthermore, it is equally important to incorporate a complete toxic-FREE diet and rid your home of all toxic cleaners even toiletry items. It is best to get information from a natural practicing practitioner and one who has studied this rare disease. Please, please be aware of mis-informed doctors and the immediate need for surgery. Had we been introduced to Dr. Pashley in our son's early years, he would not have encountered so many surgeries and would have had a much better quality of life.
Is There A Cure For RRP
Although it is said that there is no actual "cure" for this disease, it may be and has been successfully treated. Our son, Coty, is a living, breathing and walking testimony of a disease free and surgery free life. Therefore, we say our son is indeed cured after 10 years.
The goals of therapy are to relieve the airway obstruction, improve voice quality and facilitate remission. Some alternative therapies include the use of Interferon, indole 3-carbinol (13-C) and the mumps injection
(NOT the vaccine) Protocol.
Just one of about three alternative therapies to treat this deadly disease is the
Mumps Virus with OUT the mercury! However, the virus is injected directly
into the papilloma. The patient must receive at least 45 ampules of the mumps virus
to effectively put in remission. However, the patient can only receive 5 injections at one time, or it would kill them. The injections are NOT in arm or leg, they are directly inserted into the papilloma via surgical procedures while patient is of course asleep.
'Not all wheezers are asthmatic'
If you have any questions at all about this disease and would like me
to send you pamphlets on therapies and doctors, please do not hesitate to call
Lynnette Pate: 417-429-3559
the Coty Pate Foundation for Respiratory Papillomatosis
1. We started the foundation a few years ago after the 2nd near death experience
with our son, Coty, to raise public awareness about this disease
2. we need to get appropriate treatments for these children
3. often mis-diagnosed as reflux, asthma and bronchitis. Coty underwent 21
surgeries before we had proper diagnosis.
4. this disease kills more children than HIV, or heart related diseases.
Thanks to Dr. Pashley, Coty is still alive!
5. there are a limited number of physicians to treat this disease.