Only You can Create YOU.![]() We have been discussing in our group and the past several videos, OWN YOUR SELF! SELF LOVE! As I ponder all we have discussed and as I communicate with others and I get more emails in regard to these discussions, I see more and more beings who want to take control of EVERY situation and EVERY one. I got off the phone with a client whom was shattered from FEAR in which her so called 'friends' left her in TEARS. As I coach others on their health and spiritual journey, I realize more how to mend all the deep wounds in which have been inflicted upon me. This allows me to fully SEE what is really deep inside of ME. I can also fully see what is going on in this EGO based 3 dimensional realm we are inhabiting. Friends, please remember what we have discussed in live videos and in group chats, YOU and ONLY YOU can decide what is BEST for YOU. ONLY YOU can shape your VIEW. Learn to LOVE yourSELF. This does not mean you have to be arrogant or be all into you or overly zealous, it just means to have a relationship with you and your Higher Self! When we allow other 'Egos' enter our arena and implement worldly stinking thinking, then we allow our thoughts to be convoluted and get caught up in a tangled web of deception. You see, this is where your own Ego interferes with your perception! What you 'look' at is not at all what you SEE. When you begin to REALize the reaLIES, then you will have mastered the ART of what YOU were meant to BE. When we allow others to influence our brains, we will be left with only dark stains. It pains me to uncover the silent deep wounds that were never discovered. However, when the veils are released, it gives so much more room to be UNleashed! Please REMEMBER, there is NO 'past' there is NO 'future'. The past is only memories we 'think' we had, and the future is only in our head. The ONLY time we ever have is NOW. Hence our NEW words: ToNOW, YesterNOW, This EveNOW, LastNOW, ToNOWrow. We have the POWER, vested by God Almighty, to REWRITE our OWN story as long as we give HIM the GLORY. When fall for the smoke and mirrors, of seemingly well meaning people, friends, family, etc, we fall into a mighty pit of horror. The more I stumble, the more I realize not to Crumble. NO MATTER WHAT, friends, DO what YOUR Higher Self knows best to do. NO matter if it is a career, job, hobbie, adventure, family, friends, spouse, etc...Do it for YOU, NOT them. NO ONE has any right what so ever to interfere with YOUR decisions. Your SOUL knows the proper Direction. Only seek guidance from those who are NOT biased, those who have UNconditional LOVE. UNconditional LOVE is very very RARE. Most will claim they do, however, they have zero clue! Only seek guidance from those who can SEE from WithOUT to show you to look WithIN. Seek guidance from God/The Great Spirit/Universe/The Great I AM. NO ONE, I mean NO ONE, can know YOU but YOU. Those who have UNconditional LOVE will guide you in the highest vibrational level you can imagine You see, human beings get caught up in this world of tangled webs and it only causes confusion that gets trapped inside your head. Get it? The more we know, the more we realize we do not know. The more we learn and raise our vibrations, the more we grow to higher stablization. Make sense? Even the best of us, teachers and healers, get caught up in the tangled web of deception. However, it is up to each of us to turn in another direction. The best of the teachers and prophets such as Ghandi, Jesus and Buddah, all went daily to pray so they could learn more how to master each day. Just remember in this world of mindless chatter, it will make you stumble and wonder what was the matter. The power is within YOU to make your journey true! When you are confused as to what to do, be the waterfall, as it knows how to conquer all! Just because there are rocks even boulders on our life's journey, doesn't mean you have to come to a complete halt. These are the conditions in which make us stronger and will be able to survive the winds of the world for longer! My message for you, my friends, is to please be mindful of YOU. On that note, please be mindful before YOU begin to give advice to another. Ask youself: Am I sending them messages of pure UNconditional Love? Am I coming to them with pure compassion? Am I giving them information based on anger, ill will, resentment, not even knowing the full story, etc? Unless you are truly compassionate and have the highest form of love you can have, then refrain from giving anyone else advice. UNconditional love is an ART indeed. However, when we master that, we master our own SELF LOVE! Try it. I did. It has sure helped me on my journey and finding my true peace. Be Mindful. Be Happy. Be Pure. Be LOVE! Love, Light, Blessings and My UNconditional Love to you all! <3 Isabella Lynnette *Many of these statements have been taken from our book: The ART of Health Restoration. The Time is Always NOW!![]() What Really Is TIME? We always say, The Time Is NOW! It is NOW, indeed! It has been said that 'you can't turn back time'. Hmm, can we not? Those who have been following my blogs and videos in regard to Conscious Creation, Mental Communication and Manifesting in the here and now, will understand a bit more about this subject. There are way to many beings caught up in the 'time clock' factor. You know, you need to watch the hands of a man made clock to get to where you are going, or you need an alarm clock to wake your body up on 'time' for that job that you must be at. (Hey, nothing wrong with a job, it is a necessary thing in this physical world we are living in. Although, we can teach you how to not work, but PLAY and be FREE, that's another blog, however.) For this post, we are discussing the Man Made hands on the time clock. You see, our internal biological self has it's own time clock. We should be free beings without being slaves or robots to the time factor. Back to the 'turning back of time'. You see, there is really NO past or future, we ONLY have the NOW to live in. My Grandpa always told me, that the Living MUST keep on living and the world will keep thriving. Those statements really resonated with me as I pondered those words as a teenager. The LIVING MUST KEEP LIVING as TIME will NOT stop for anything. EVER. Remember, some videos about time has no beginning and no ending. That is something that will go on even when we die. Sure, we live and we die. Therefore, our physical bodies will be on this earth no longer. Does that mean time stopped? Nope. Does that even mean that time stopped for the deceased? Again, nope. Where do the deceased go. Another blog, there are many opinions of life after death. Moving right along, this 3 dimension world is sure to keep you confused as to what is where and who is whom. When we fully grasp the concept of what we are here for, then we can fully understand how to survive the lessons of this thing called life. You see, as I have been evolving over the past few months, well, I have been evolving over the past several years, but really so much more lately, I have come to realize that we TRULY are SPIRITUAL ENERGY BEINGS walking around on this Realm to learn the lessons in OUR HUMAN bodies. As I study and dive deeper into my soul and my understanding, I realize that there is so much more to this realm than we can imagine. That being said, it is magical and beautiful. I have also realized how to RELAX so much easier. (A gentle spirit of mine always told me to "just relax", that was a kind gesture, but I never really grasped the concept of the relaxation modality until recently.) Finally, after searching and seeking the UNseen, I have been able to just RELAX, yet I am still very 'protective with my inner foster parenting' and I am still very 'outspoken for the truth bombs', however, I feel so much more at peace just KNOWING that TIME is going to go on NO MATTER what I do. Time has no bias, no favorites, no worries and certainly no regrets, as it just keeps on going no matter what you or I do. When we really begin to raise our vibrations to new levels, then we can truly understand this time factor 'illusion'. Remember, in this 3D world we live in, it is all an illusion. It really is. I use the phrase 'Higher Vibrations', as the word AWAKE and AWARE are to over used and those who claim to be awake, yet the 'vaccinate'. (another blog story.) So, YES, continue to raise your vibrations to the highest vibrating level you can enjoy. There is really so much more magic to this beautiful life we have to enjoy NOW! With all of that being said, those who believe that 'time' can never be obtained once it has gone, I beg to differ. You see, it is OUR memories in which create a 'past'. It is not easy, but it IS SIMPLE to LIVE in the HERE and NOW. When we dewll upon the so called past, we will destroy our inner being. When we get caught up on resentment, that is certainly allowing our ownself to 'lose' moments in time. The point I am making here, is that TIME is time and that is all we have. TIME CAN INDEED be on our side. In fact, it IS on our side. However, we must ALLOW us to be IN the NOW Moments of life. Just like words, some say, you can never take them back, yet the ones claiming that statement, are the ones who have vomit of the mouth and ask us NOT to hold on to those words of destruction to them. You see, this goes back to the word PERCEPTION. Isn't it interesting how the aspect of 'TIME' isn't really a factor after all, when we live in the here and NOW? Thoughts to ponder a moment. When we get caught up in this 3D physical realm, we are destined to be destructive. Take it from me, your Conscious Creation Coach. I AM my OWN Experiment! (Therefore, no animals were or are ever harmed in my experiments. haha) Seriously, we create OUR own reality. We are the ones in complete control of OUR TIME and OUR NOW. We have the power, vested by God, to change what we perceive happened in the so called 'past'. Don't believe me? I challenge you all to take some of our classes on this subject. You will be amazed of how your stars will begin to change. Mine do and did. Sometimes, I create a different pathway, when I see caution lights or volcanoes ahead. See, we have the power to do just that. TURN BACK TIME. YES WE CAN. I am not speaking of bringing the dead to life or of things of that nature. However, we can speak to our loved ones in our dreams. I speak to the happiest man on the planet in my dreams. He is with me till the end of circles, circles have no ending. <3 OOO Want to understand more about Conscious Creating? Join us at our ART of Health Restoration retreats in Fiji wonderland. OR send us an email to get your one on one sessions to create YOUR total life of BLISS! I pray this resonated with you on some levels. Take all the 'time' you need, as it IS on YOUR side. Be sure to take a look at our ART of Restoration page to gain more insights on Creating YOUR Best Life NOW! ~Isabella Lynnette Marie |
August 2019