Permissions for use of the PIV logo
Explicit written permission from Lynnette Marie or another member of the Fuel for the Body or Pure Integrity Verified™ Seal teams must be obtained prior to displaying the Pure Integrity Verified™ Seal or any associated logos on your site, social media pages, email, or any other electronic communication.
The Pure Integrity Verified™ Seal is ONLY to be displayed by companies or entities who have been verified by Lynnette Marie and her team to be of pure integrity. We appreciate your enthusiasm to share about the seal with others, but we must also protect the integrity of the seal and what it means when it is displayed to eliminate any confusion among the public of whether an entity is verified and associated with the PIV Seal.
When the Pure Integrity Verified™ Seal is displayed, it must be accompanied by an active link to this page so the consumer can confirm that you are also listed with us as a verified company.
Explicit written permission from Lynnette Marie or another member of the Fuel for the Body or Pure Integrity Verified™ Seal teams must be obtained prior to displaying the Pure Integrity Verified™ Seal or any associated logos on your site, social media pages, email, or any other electronic communication.
The Pure Integrity Verified™ Seal is ONLY to be displayed by companies or entities who have been verified by Lynnette Marie and her team to be of pure integrity. We appreciate your enthusiasm to share about the seal with others, but we must also protect the integrity of the seal and what it means when it is displayed to eliminate any confusion among the public of whether an entity is verified and associated with the PIV Seal.
When the Pure Integrity Verified™ Seal is displayed, it must be accompanied by an active link to this page so the consumer can confirm that you are also listed with us as a verified company.