Good Fun Friday morning everyone. Hi, Lynnette here. I just wanted to pop on here for a bit to personally THANK all of our new fans. You all are amazing! THANK YOU for becoming informed to make great health decisions for you and your family. I also wanted to let the new fans know and all else who does not know, WHY I began this health journey and what paths led me to be the activist that I am around the world! I have failed to reflect on the very reason I began my crusades around the country. I failed to continually reach out and show support to the ONE and ONLY cause and Charity that is near and dear to my heart. It is my family's OWN CHARITY. Our own son's charity. The Coty Pate Foundation for Respiratory Papillomatosis. Our son was born with a RARE UNCURABLE Disease. (only he was not properly diagnosed with it till 18 months old after he nearly strangled because his pediatrician told us he had a bad case of colic, then he once said it was acute asthma, then bronchitis) The disease Coty, encountered was Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis (RRP) also known as the HPV virus.(the HPV virus will surprise you of what is is and what it is NOT) This disease KILLS more children than heart related disease or HIV. It is a SILENT killer. Our son encountered 28 surgeries, with 7 different surgeons and 2 near death experiences! We started this Non Profit 501c3 back in 2002. (we are reactivating this month) This Charity was actually to get kids to the RIGHT doctor to be treated and cured. We did NOT try to raise money for 'finding a cure' or money for 'awareness'. Any money we raised simply went to help children get to where they needed to go. We got airlines to donate flights, we used Angel Flight (what an amazing group of caring pilots)! We worked our butts off to create the awareness ourselves. We did hold festivals and auctions. We created a platform to EDUCATE the public and EDUCATE the doctors.
I have failed to FOCUS on the main reason for my outreach to the world! Please read more at the old page below. (it needs a lot of work) Our Charity out reach and mission motto is: BUDDIES FOR BREATHING....Not All Wheezers Are Asthmatic. ** I failed to continue to preach about this deadly disease because my message to the world continually gets hidden or out right deleted from many pages. My message about this deadly disease and the cure and how I actually spoke with Merck Pharmaceutical continually gets REJECTED. In which by the way, I speak of how Merck presented the largest hoax of a vaccine with the dreaded Gardasil! I speak of how this hoax was evolved. You will be surprised of how they came up with this fantastic marketing ploy to young girls. You want to know why they hide my story? Because I HAVE THE TRUTH. I have the knowledge and I have the REAL scenario of how my son got this detrimental disease. So after 10 years of continually getting in front of news leaders, radio stations, tv stations and even in our own little organic world...and they all REFUSE to air my son's message, I just stopped being so proactive on the situation. I did NOT stop at the first opinion, nor the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 4th, 6th, etc. I KEPT on looking for answers and KNEW there had to be a cure IF they could have all these unnecessary surgeries with all their technology! I and my family searched the nation for answers. We did it on OUR OWN. We did NOT wait for the CURE. We diligently searched for it. I knew something just was not right. I kept telling the doctors that they just wanted to keep Coty sick so that he would endure more and more surgeries so they could make more and more money. Yes, back then I was a very in-your-face type of a person! They were 'experimenting' with my son's life for goodness sake! I REFUSED to take yes for the final answer. Meaning, the doctors continually told me: "Yes, this is all we can do, Yes, this is the diagnosis we are giving your son, Yes, he will have surgeries for the rest of his life". We were told that our son would have surgeries for the rest of his life or he would probably die! Who likes those suggestions??? As the years went on, I drew very frustrated and angered at the western medical system. I could not figure out for the life of me how on earth that all these 'doctors' could NOT cure my son! I mean they could perform all the surgeries in the world with the highest technology in some of the best children's hospitals in the nation. Remember, I told you we went through 7 different surgeons! They basically all had the same answer with a twist on procedures. At the young age of 14, Coty suffered a severe attack and he nearly died for the 2nd time. We thought we were not going to make it to the hospital on time for emergency surgery. After all, this is the ONLY thing I knew to do at that time, is have surgery to clear his air passage. (Of course when children are this far gone, then it is necessary to have a procedure done to relieve the air passage, or they will suffocate and die). Needless to say, I was NOT a happy mother, I was not a nice mother either. I confronted two of his surgeons that late night after Coty's surgery was over. I told them exactly what I thought of them and demanded them to give me someone else in this whole big wide world that could give us answers and cure my son! (only I did not say it this eloquently). I demanded them to give me more than their usual 5 to 10 minutes of their time which would be MY time. Well that late night, the two surgeons came back in and revealed the most beautiful statements that they could ever reveal to me. Although I was very ANGRY when they told me. They actually said: "Well Mrs. Pate, actually there is one doctor in the united states that may can help your son. We have actually been in touch with him for the past 5 years and he might have the remedy to treat your son. Huh??? What?? You meant to tell me you had another doctor to possibly give me answers and treat my son for the past 5 freakin' years and you have not told me this!? Their answer: "Well we did not tell you about him, because we do not believe in what he does, although he does practice in a western medicine hospital in Denver, CO, but we deem him as a "quack doctor"!. You've got to be kidding me, right? You dirty stinkin' doctors! How dare you with hold any information from me that could possibly save my son. Long story short, we were connected to this amazing doctor in Denver, CO the following day, Monday. He practically diagnosed our son over the phone. This doctor actually spent over 45 minutes on the phone with me! Wow, now in the world of Memphis, TN this was unheard of to spend time with a patient or family member. The following 2 weeks later, my husband, Coty and I were on a plane to Denver, CO to meet with this "Quack" doctor. Low and behold, again this doctor now spent over 2 hours with my husband and I explaining the nature of this disease, how he got it and how and why the other doctors half way diagnosed our son. He went on to let me know, that there is more money in surgeries than there is in cures. Now, everyone keep in mind, this was over 10 years ago. I realize we ALL know this by now. But that hit hard to me, in which I already accused the doctors of that very statement. We spent a year and a half going back and forth to Denver to get Coty the proper treatments. He was CURED! NOT put in 'remission' not bandaging it up, but he was actually CURED! You can learn more details and complete story at any of my seminars around the country. On a HAPPY Note. Coty is ALIVE ant thriving at the awesome age of 25 years old. He is disease FREE and surgery FREE for over 10 years now! He enjoys his life as a top chef and manager of an amazing restaurant. He is totally organic in all his house hold. He KNOWS how real foods and natural remedies CURED and reversed his disease! So you see, my friends, where there is LIFE, there IS HOPE! Going from nearly dead twice and not growing and losing his voice TO almost qualifying for the Jr. Olympics, then he opted to embark in the culinary arts! THIS is exactly what put me on my journey and mission of today! I decided right then and there that I needed to educate my self in every manner that I could. I went to every seminar, on line course, doctors meetings and nutrition classes that I could possibly get into my schedule. I studied under two holistic doctors to further my education and learning. I read and studied some more! I figured IF I could figure all this out then the rest of the world could to. So I decided to give the world a boost and help; them to see the reality and be a disease free and sick free world! I am YOUR VOICE. YOUR Enlightenment, YOUR insight to take your health back! You can find out complete details about this DEADLY disease and how it is contracted. Also find out how to treat this disease as well as the myths and truths about the HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) in one of my many speaking engagements around the country. I gave my son his disease. YES, I gave it to him. Want to know how? Well, if you read my bio, you will see that I grew up on Monsanto farm lands in the early 70's. We had the best of the best crops with all the GMOs (yes GMOs were around in the 70's even in the late 60's) more on this in my seminars. Also we had amazing weed killers such as round up, herbicides and insecticides. Oh boy were my grand parents in business now! Sigh! I gave my son his disease because I was very TOXIC with all the poisons I ingested all during my life! He gathered my toxins and the disease was born with him. I had suffered my own kidney failure and at the ripe old age of 8 years young I encountered my kidney surgery. Then I suffered over 26 years of continual kidney complications. Now, we see how GMO's are directly related to organ failure and more so on the kidneys. This is also why my message to the public NEVER gets attention. Because once again, I have the HARD TRUTH of the real detriments of GMO's and all the toxic Monsanto poisons. ***Remember, not all wheezers are asthmatic! They are often mis-diagnosed with asthma, croup, bronchitis, reflux, colic, etc. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if your child has any of these diagnosis, please double check to see if anything lurks in the vocal chords, esophagus or lungs. ***There have been a few cases that the SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) was actually caused by Respiratory Papillomatosis. Children often do not reach age 5, and die in their sleep due to suffocation and or strangulation. Read diagnosis and some write ups at this link: |
August 2019