I Apologize, but I am NOT Sorry. Find out why.Bula! Everyone. First let me begin by saying how much I really appreciate you all for your friendship or following. Some of you know me personally, while others know me via FB only. Many of you have followed me for several years as some of you are new to my pages. For each of you, I thank you and am deeply grateful. For those of you who do not know me very well, I do not want to state to much here as you can read all my bio on my web page at: HERE However, I am an extremely passionate individual whom is devoted to making the world a much better, brighter, joyful and safer place. What I mean by ‘safer’ is to keep safe products on the market for you and your family. I am passionate due to my long journey dealing with my son’s deadly disease of Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis, while doctors continued to lie and withhold information. I set out on a quest to make awareness, then to educate and lastly to wake the masses up and show them who is lying and who is stealing your money and who the actual frauds are. (You can read more of my journey via my website on my bicycle tour page). I am making a PUBLIC APOLOGY. Yes, you heard me right. However, I am NOT sorry. I will explain why. I am typically not sorry for any postings that I make or information that I put out for the public to see. Most of you have been seeing some, over the edge, posts to expose fraud, schemes, cover-ups and out-right lies. Some of you are taken back by my blatant postings while others understand my nature. While my posts may seem to be of “hatred”, “anger”, “rude” or even “unhappy”, I can assure you that is the farthest from the truth. Those of you who know me, can attest that I am one of the genuinely happiest people on the planet and I walk my talk and preach what I practice. Do I make mistakes? Hell yes! Who doesn’t? Do I say stupid shit? All the time, well a lot! Do I make people angry or upset? Not on purpose! Do I lie? Hell no! Do I steal other’s content? Nope! (It does not give me a sense of feel good unless I know it came from within MY mind) This is why it takes me so much longer to write something as I am doing my research and coming up with my own words and thoughts of the matter. If I say something from someone else, then I clearly quote it and state the source. Some see me as having a ‘razor tongue’ others see me as stating the truth. Either view is OK. The thing that should not be dismissed, is that the information in which I post comes from pure exposure of the fraudulent propaganda that is continually bombarded in our faces. Therefore, I walk a thin line when making public post that people are not ready to see or hear.
Here’s the deal. The reason I began my journey way back in 2005 (actually before that, in 2000, but 2005 was when I went on to further my research about all the lies I was fed about my son’s deadly disease), was to share the TRUTH about my son’s disease, Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis. I needed to share this message far and wide and tell the public they were being LIED to about the pharmaceutical industry and that their own western doctors were lying! You can read Coty's story HERE. I needed to spread this message to save children from dying from this life threatening disease. I set out on a mission to do just that. I did not care how ‘crazy’ people thought I was, I knew I had to get this out to the masses. My journey then turned to studies, working with holistic doctors and chiropractors then finding the truths of all organic food products and companies. I eventually journeyed on to be a huge proponent of the NON GMO Project. I did tours, marches, protest, made phone calls to the senators, congressmen and governors, spoke in schools, colleges and random events. This all led me to discover and Uncover the hidden dark side of all industries. WOW! Bam! I continued to get blindsided and disheartened by company after company after organization. This was disturbing, therefore, I knew I had to change my OWN ways. I had to change my approach to reach the people with the cold hard factual truths, but this time in the organic and holistic arena. Here’s the deal. It is sometimes a ‘damned if you do’ – ‘damned if you don’t’ scenario. If I choose to keep silent on truths that I see and experience personally, then I am guilty of ‘’not letting others know how to protect themselves’ or let them go down a road of deception when I knew all along. Or if I DO say something, then I am presumed ‘guilty’ of being ‘unhappy’, ‘finger-pointing’, ‘angry’ or ‘hasty’. Here are some facts and thoughts to ponderFACT: NON GMO Project is NOT needed for a label. REASON: ORGANIC means NON GMO. When a product has the Organic seal, then it is automatically tested and verified NON GMO. FACT: NON GMO Verified does not mean the product is not sprayed with toxic pesticides, herbicides or the entire package is not tainted with HFCS, Canola oil, Soybean oil or other toxic ingredients. REASON: The NON GMO Project is only in place to see how many seeds have been genetically modified, they do not test for other toxic poisons in the food supply. Non Gmo project does not deny this. FACT: Vaxxed, The Movie is NOT an Anti-Vaxx movie REASON: They have other visions in which they state on their site FACT: There are NO safe vaccines. REASON: None of them have ever been proven to be safe or effective in any case. Vaccines should be abolished. FACT: Nestle Former CEO and now Chairman; Peter Brabeck-Letmathe stated that ‘Water should NOT be a human right, but rather a commodity”. REASON: Nestle wants to control the water supply for the world and sell it back to consumers for a profit. FACT: Garden of Life partnered with Nestle company. REASON: “To get products in more markets”. Real reason: Nestle and other toxic companies are buying as many organic companies as they can to taint the markets. FACT: Health Nut News did misinform the public about the dead doctors scandal and stole information from other people. REASON: Reasons unknown other than embarking on self glorification on dead people? REAL REASON: To scare the public into thinking that the pharmaceutical industry is going around knocking off random doctors. We have verified sources pertaining to stated findings. Granted there is a lot of disinformation circulating around as well as a LOT of corruption in the government and even in the holistic and organic world. I could go on and on about many stories I have published, but I will keep them to a minimal for this blog. Now, as you can see by the facts listed above, we are NOT biased to any one person, company or organization. Although, some people get hit with the truth, hard, therefore, they do not want to believe that someone has been lying to them or deceiving them all along. Thus, we are seen as 'haters' and 'negative' people. Here are a few definitions to ponder deeply.Definitions: HAPPY: adjective, happier, happiest. 1. delighted, pleased, or glad, as over a particular thing:to be happy to see a person. JOY: noun 1.the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by somethingexceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation: She felt the joy of seeing her son's success. HAPPINESS: noun 1.the quality or state of being happy. good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy. TRUTH: noun, plural truths [trooth z, trooths] (Show IPA) 1. the true or actual state of a matter: He tried to find out the truth. 2. conformity with fact or reality; verity: the truth of a statement. 3. verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like: mathematical truths. 4. the state or character of being true. 5. actuality or actual existence. I am NEVER SORRY for speaking the truth. PASSIONATE: adjective 1. having, compelled by, or ruled by intense emotion or strong feeling;fervid: a passionate advocate of socialism. 2. easily aroused to or influenced by sexual desire; ardently sensual. 3., showing, or marked by intense or strong feeling;emotional: passionate language. I posted the above definitions to make some points. You see, there is a lot of confusion about the use of the words, ‘happy’, ‘truth’, ‘happiness’ and ‘joy’. While one would think that happy would mean the same as happiness, actually they have deeper meanings as you will note above. One is ‘happy’ due to an immediate presence of what is presented in front of them. One can obtain ‘happiness’ by digging DEEPER into the realm of the Unseen. Then we have the meaning of ‘JOY’ in which is the emotion of something greater. Now, we come to ‘truth’. Who wants that? After all, it comes with disappointment and perhaps even ‘unhappiness’, right? As I discussed above, you will note that my missions began with SHOUTING the TRUTHS from the mountain tops and I really did NOT care whom I “offended”. I knew the truth needed to get out to save these precious babies to keep them from dying and to let the world know WHO is lying and why. In all my travels and tours around the country, somewhere along my journey, I, myself, got caught up in this worldly vision of “HAPPY” instead of feeding my soul TRUE JOY. I got sidetracked. Therefore, I began spreading nothing but ‘happy’ and ‘positive’ posts to make you feel all fuzzy inside and make you feel like everything is just wonderful! Now, don’t get me wrong, I AM GENUINELY HAPPY and filled with JOY every single day. However, my ‘truth bomb’ posts appear to make people think that I am full of anger or resentment or I am unhappy. You see, the world has been so manipulated that the word ‘happy’ and ‘positive’ now mean, LOOK THE OTHER WAY and let us do what we want. This comes along with the term: OFFENDED. Isn’t it funny how everyone is offended about everything these days? What people need to realize, is that TRUE JOY, that is what I am switching my language to…the word JOY instead of happy, comes from the UNERSTANDING of truths and reasoning behind the madness. Sure, at the moment of finding out truth, we become unhappy. However, that unhappy feeling should pass quickly as we come to understand the state of being in which it came from. Happiness of Joy is not to be confused with that happy “moment” of instinct. This next paragraph goes out to all of my ‘Christian’ friends whom like to tell me I am not reflecting a good ‘nature’. Hmmm. Really? Jesus said he came to bring 'a sword' instead of peace. Think on these verses.
For all of my Agnostic, Nostic, Buddhist, Spiritual, Hindu or Atheist friends out here, are you following me? The world is an upside down backassward place in which everything is hidden behind the ‘happy’ factor. Everyone wants to happy all the woes away and pretend that nothing is going on in the world around them. True enough, we create our OWN peace and joy within us and we can choose to have JOY or don’t choose. However, we are to teach and help those who need guidance. We are to provide great information for everyone to make their OWN informed decisions. The moral of the story and the points that I am wanting to make are, that posting TRUTHS when you have facts to back them up does not make you an unhappy person! Period. When we fully understand that real JOY and HAPPINESS comes with TRUTH, then we can learn how to LIVE life and protect ourselves with the proper armor. Let me ask you all this question. What if I invited you over to my house for a dinner party. I told you that we are having an “ALL ORGANIC” dinner and you can feel TOTALLY safe when enjoying this beautiful dinner because we sourced from the best farmers, companies and stores. That’s all I told you. You all come. What I did not tell you was, we had gluten in the bread, almonds in the gravy, cow’s milk in the sauce and we used canola oil to cook all the dinner with. How would you feel? Let me guess, “happy”? To summarize this blog article for you. I want the world to know, along with my team of Truth Warriors, how WE want nothing but the betterment for humanity, the planet and to protect organic and holistic standards. We are here to PROTECT you from fraud, lies and deception. We are here to present to YOU, the People, the FACTS of all matters. We want you to have factual information to make your own informed decisions. We are PASSIONATE about the health of the world and getting the true messages out to the world. Our passion is misunderstood as ‘anger’, ‘unhappy’, ‘rude’ and ‘hatred’. We are far from any of these. We truly care about YOU and the planet. We get saddened by the fact that others continue to come in and misrepresent the organic, holistic and natural world of amazing companies and products. We are here for YOU, to make sure you are getting the best of the best information and products for your family. We want YOU to be the healthiest and most informed YOU that you can be! While we want you to experience the “Happy” factor, we want you to be EDUCATED and aware so you can be PREPARED for any adversity that may come your way. This way you can experience REAL JOY & HAPPINESS with having peace of mind and free form wonder. Therefore, our Rainbow Warriors Team is NOT only here to help you get the best of the purest organic products, but to help protect humanity and the planet. Here are more great writings from Rainbow Warrior, Rudy Twomoon: Let Our Voices Echo Another great site for you to reference is: War on We the People. Journalist Sherri Kane, along with her team of journalist, bring you the facts of happenings in our world today. I APOLOGIZE for any misunderstandings that some may have had about my intentions or purpose but I am NOT sorry for speaking the TRUTH and getting
the FACTS out to the world. I hope this clears up any animosity that some of you may have had towards myself or my team of truthers. Vinaka Laka Levu Lynnette Marie |
August 2019