Should You Be Alarmed About The Amazon Fires?Many of you have been asking MY thoughts on the Amazon Fires. As most of you know, I remain silent these days on media propaganda, until I gather all of my evidence and facts. Therefore, I have remained silent on this subject just to see where everyone was actually going to go with this. Sadly, I was horrified to see fellow light workers get sucked into this hysteria. Please do not get me wrong and refrain from throwing daggers at me. Please hear me out. YES, the fires are real in the Amazon. The deforestation is a real threat for all of human and animal life. However, let's get some facts straight. I do not have time to post all of the links here, this is the case of RESEARCH the research for your own good. The facts are AS ALWAYS, what you see on 'poplar hysteria media' is smoke and mirrors and a way to scare the hell out of you, I am equally saddened by some very well known "light worker" and "health activist" and "law of attraction" coaches have jumped on this over exaggerated outrage of the media. I have been taken back by the fact that some people, that I have even gained great resourceful information from, have taken the stand of "decrease your baby making" or "stop having babies" period! This is an outrage. My ego self, wants to say: "Let's begin with you and your family that you already created". My higher self says: "what lost souls you must be to fall for the propaganda". Friends, we are NOT over populated, but that is a different subject for another blog. Sure, the wild fires would be of a concern. However, what the media fails to show you is that many of the photos tweeted by Madonna, Leonardo DiCaprio and others, were indeed photos taken from 15, 20 ad 30 years ago!!!! (Shame on you) What the media also fails to tell you is that a lot of these burns have been induced by animal farmers in controlled circumstances. Sure, there has been a slight increase in the fires burning, but it is not enough to really alarm us at the moment. What is alarming is that most of the people in an outrage are the ones to bash the Brazilian President. (again, do not get me wrong, as you know my thoughts on any politician, they are all puppets). It is all a divide and chaos move from the powers that be to keep you focused on the seemingly destruction of planet Earth. Again, most of you know my stand, with our Rainbow Warriors Mission, is to preserve and protect Mother Gaia/Planet Earth at all cost. Do YOUR part to heal the planet and consume less and refrain from plastics and toxic ingredients. This is the entire reason behind the Pure Integrity Verified Seal. ( ) Therefore, I am not here to tell you not to be alarmed, but perhaps you are being alarmed for the wrong reasons. Do you realize that most of the people spewing out all this chaos are the ones consuming animal products? Do you realize that the biggest problem is all of the animal farmers who "need more space" to raise their live stock? Do you realize if YOU stop consuming factory farmed meat products, or any animal products for that matter, that you could help to wipe out the need for deforestation? YES, you have that power in your own right and food supply. UNLESS you hunt it for you and your family alone and that is your way of survival. Generally speaking, it is the ones who are in demand of 'more meat', we want more, more, more whom are contributing to the ever deforestation problem. Do you realize the amount of land it takes to raise live stock? Livestock is the world's largest user of land resources, with pasture and arable landdedicated to the production of feed representing almost 80% of the total agriculturalland. One-third of global arable land is used to grow feed, while 26% of the Earth's ice-free terrestrial surface is used for grazing. (excerpt taken from ). Why do you believe you should consume animals 3 times a day? or even 3 times a week? This is not a vegan vs carnivore blog. I speak on the vegan/vegetarian subject in my former book: Fuel for the Body, I am simply pointing out the real culprit in the Amazon, as well as the rest of the world. Deforestation is alarming. We have enough trees cut down for paper products, housing, etc, when we could simply switch to HEMP and Bamboo for those needs. Here is a good link to get facts of live stock factories and live stock feed farms. ( ) Therefore, the culprit of the fires is from greed and animal consumption. With that being said, there are some situations in which call for moderated necessary burns. Wild fires have erupted for eons to cleanse and purify the Earth. I am not justifying any human to just go rampant and do "controlled burns" any time they desire to gain more ground for live stock or even for pesticide reduction". Conscious burns in which they go in and scatter the animals first would be more beneficial. Therefore, my take on the fires of the Amazon is: CALM DOWN. It is a hype to get you freaked out to gain mass hysteria, it is working!!! Again, we can turn things around with our God/Universe given consciousness. We can send the rains on the Amazon fires, if need be. Now, if these fires were what 'they' said they were, then YES, there would be cause for major alarm. However, take into consideration all of the sources. Remember, I always say, what ever way the crowd seeks to run, then run, FAST, the other way! Please keep in mind, anytime there is mass media coverage, to go and research the research to see what is really accurate and why they are implementing this mass hysteria. To be conscious and realize the REAL LIES, is to be in total calamity, peace and harmony. Not that I sit on my ass and do nothing, for it is US who ARE the "Sombodies". Right? There are many man-made modalities in which, absolutely DO harm the planet, it is our responsibility to turn things around and teach the world to harvest a clean and toxic free planet. Do you realize the world's toxic supply of plastic and how it harms our marine life and ocean plants? Do you realize the consumption that YOU as a consumer do on a daily basis when you consume and purchase toxic products? Do you realize that YOU have the power INSIDE of you to change what you see in the world gone mad? Thoughts to ponder, hey? "The fact that this upsurge in deforestation threatens some of the most biodiverse and carbon-rich landscapes on Earth is reason enough to oppose it". ~statement taken from the Live Science website: I encourage you to read their article on the oxygen subject. Please go here: :-) What can YOU do to help prevent DEFORESTATION? For starters, you can:
Namaste~ I send you all Peace, Love, Light and Harmony so that you may rise above the chaos and vibrate on the highest dimension ever!!! Humanity WILL unite in UNconditional pure, compassionate LOVE. As always, The Time Is NOW, to BE the Power! Live Happy. Be Pure! ~Love , Isabella Lynnette :-) Only You can Create YOU.We have been discussing in our group and the past several videos, OWN YOUR SELF! SELF LOVE! As I ponder all we have discussed and as I communicate with others and I get more emails in regard to these discussions, I see more and more beings who want to take control of EVERY situation and EVERY one. I got off the phone with a client whom was shattered from FEAR in which her so called 'friends' left her in TEARS. As I coach others on their health and spiritual journey, I realize more how to mend all the deep wounds in which have been inflicted upon me. This allows me to fully SEE what is really deep inside of ME. I can also fully see what is going on in this EGO based 3 dimensional realm we are inhabiting. Friends, please remember what we have discussed in live videos and in group chats, YOU and ONLY YOU can decide what is BEST for YOU. ONLY YOU can shape your VIEW. Learn to LOVE yourSELF. This does not mean you have to be arrogant or be all into you or overly zealous, it just means to have a relationship with you and your Higher Self! When we allow other 'Egos' enter our arena and implement worldly stinking thinking, then we allow our thoughts to be convoluted and get caught up in a tangled web of deception. You see, this is where your own Ego interferes with your perception! What you 'look' at is not at all what you SEE. When you begin to REALize the reaLIES, then you will have mastered the ART of what YOU were meant to BE. When we allow others to influence our brains, we will be left with only dark stains. It pains me to uncover the silent deep wounds that were never discovered. However, when the veils are released, it gives so much more room to be UNleashed! Please REMEMBER, there is NO 'past' there is NO 'future'. The past is only memories we 'think' we had, and the future is only in our head. The ONLY time we ever have is NOW. Hence our NEW words: ToNOW, YesterNOW, This EveNOW, LastNOW, ToNOWrow. We have the POWER, vested by God Almighty, to REWRITE our OWN story as long as we give HIM the GLORY. When fall for the smoke and mirrors, of seemingly well meaning people, friends, family, etc, we fall into a mighty pit of horror. The more I stumble, the more I realize not to Crumble. NO MATTER WHAT, friends, DO what YOUR Higher Self knows best to do. NO matter if it is a career, job, hobbie, adventure, family, friends, spouse, etc...Do it for YOU, NOT them. NO ONE has any right what so ever to interfere with YOUR decisions. Your SOUL knows the proper Direction. Only seek guidance from those who are NOT biased, those who have UNconditional LOVE. UNconditional LOVE is very very RARE. Most will claim they do, however, they have zero clue! Only seek guidance from those who can SEE from WithOUT to show you to look WithIN. Seek guidance from God/The Great Spirit/Universe/The Great I AM. NO ONE, I mean NO ONE, can know YOU but YOU. Those who have UNconditional LOVE will guide you in the highest vibrational level you can imagine You see, human beings get caught up in this world of tangled webs and it only causes confusion that gets trapped inside your head. Get it? The more we know, the more we realize we do not know. The more we learn and raise our vibrations, the more we grow to higher stablization. Make sense? Even the best of us, teachers and healers, get caught up in the tangled web of deception. However, it is up to each of us to turn in another direction. The best of the teachers and prophets such as Ghandi, Jesus and Buddah, all went daily to pray so they could learn more how to master each day. Just remember in this world of mindless chatter, it will make you stumble and wonder what was the matter. The power is within YOU to make your journey true! When you are confused as to what to do, be the waterfall, as it knows how to conquer all! Just because there are rocks even boulders on our life's journey, doesn't mean you have to come to a complete halt. These are the conditions in which make us stronger and will be able to survive the winds of the world for longer! My message for you, my friends, is to please be mindful of YOU. On that note, please be mindful before YOU begin to give advice to another. Ask youself: Am I sending them messages of pure UNconditional Love? Am I coming to them with pure compassion? Am I giving them information based on anger, ill will, resentment, not even knowing the full story, etc? Unless you are truly compassionate and have the highest form of love you can have, then refrain from giving anyone else advice. UNconditional love is an ART indeed. However, when we master that, we master our own SELF LOVE! Try it. I did. It has sure helped me on my journey and finding my true peace. Be Mindful. Be Happy. Be Pure. Be LOVE! Love, Light, Blessings and My UNconditional Love to you all! <3 Isabella Lynnette *Many of these statements have been taken from our book: The ART of Health Restoration. The Time is Always NOW!What Really Is TIME? We always say, The Time Is NOW! It is NOW, indeed! It has been said that 'you can't turn back time'. Hmm, can we not? Those who have been following my blogs and videos in regard to Conscious Creation, Mental Communication and Manifesting in the here and now, will understand a bit more about this subject. There are way to many beings caught up in the 'time clock' factor. You know, you need to watch the hands of a man made clock to get to where you are going, or you need an alarm clock to wake your body up on 'time' for that job that you must be at. (Hey, nothing wrong with a job, it is a necessary thing in this physical world we are living in. Although, we can teach you how to not work, but PLAY and be FREE, that's another blog, however.) For this post, we are discussing the Man Made hands on the time clock. You see, our internal biological self has it's own time clock. We should be free beings without being slaves or robots to the time factor. Back to the 'turning back of time'. You see, there is really NO past or future, we ONLY have the NOW to live in. My Grandpa always told me, that the Living MUST keep on living and the world will keep thriving. Those statements really resonated with me as I pondered those words as a teenager. The LIVING MUST KEEP LIVING as TIME will NOT stop for anything. EVER. Remember, some videos about time has no beginning and no ending. That is something that will go on even when we die. Sure, we live and we die. Therefore, our physical bodies will be on this earth no longer. Does that mean time stopped? Nope. Does that even mean that time stopped for the deceased? Again, nope. Where do the deceased go. Another blog, there are many opinions of life after death. Moving right along, this 3 dimension world is sure to keep you confused as to what is where and who is whom. When we fully grasp the concept of what we are here for, then we can fully understand how to survive the lessons of this thing called life. You see, as I have been evolving over the past few months, well, I have been evolving over the past several years, but really so much more lately, I have come to realize that we TRULY are SPIRITUAL ENERGY BEINGS walking around on this Realm to learn the lessons in OUR HUMAN bodies. As I study and dive deeper into my soul and my understanding, I realize that there is so much more to this realm than we can imagine. That being said, it is magical and beautiful. I have also realized how to RELAX so much easier. (A gentle spirit of mine always told me to "just relax", that was a kind gesture, but I never really grasped the concept of the relaxation modality until recently.) Finally, after searching and seeking the UNseen, I have been able to just RELAX, yet I am still very 'protective with my inner foster parenting' and I am still very 'outspoken for the truth bombs', however, I feel so much more at peace just KNOWING that TIME is going to go on NO MATTER what I do. Time has no bias, no favorites, no worries and certainly no regrets, as it just keeps on going no matter what you or I do. When we really begin to raise our vibrations to new levels, then we can truly understand this time factor 'illusion'. Remember, in this 3D world we live in, it is all an illusion. It really is. I use the phrase 'Higher Vibrations', as the word AWAKE and AWARE are to over used and those who claim to be awake, yet the 'vaccinate'. (another blog story.) So, YES, continue to raise your vibrations to the highest vibrating level you can enjoy. There is really so much more magic to this beautiful life we have to enjoy NOW! With all of that being said, those who believe that 'time' can never be obtained once it has gone, I beg to differ. You see, it is OUR memories in which create a 'past'. It is not easy, but it IS SIMPLE to LIVE in the HERE and NOW. When we dewll upon the so called past, we will destroy our inner being. When we get caught up on resentment, that is certainly allowing our ownself to 'lose' moments in time. The point I am making here, is that TIME is time and that is all we have. TIME CAN INDEED be on our side. In fact, it IS on our side. However, we must ALLOW us to be IN the NOW Moments of life. Just like words, some say, you can never take them back, yet the ones claiming that statement, are the ones who have vomit of the mouth and ask us NOT to hold on to those words of destruction to them. You see, this goes back to the word PERCEPTION. Isn't it interesting how the aspect of 'TIME' isn't really a factor after all, when we live in the here and NOW? Thoughts to ponder a moment. When we get caught up in this 3D physical realm, we are destined to be destructive. Take it from me, your Conscious Creation Coach. I AM my OWN Experiment! (Therefore, no animals were or are ever harmed in my experiments. haha) Seriously, we create OUR own reality. We are the ones in complete control of OUR TIME and OUR NOW. We have the power, vested by God, to change what we perceive happened in the so called 'past'. Don't believe me? I challenge you all to take some of our classes on this subject. You will be amazed of how your stars will begin to change. Mine do and did. Sometimes, I create a different pathway, when I see caution lights or volcanoes ahead. See, we have the power to do just that. TURN BACK TIME. YES WE CAN. I am not speaking of bringing the dead to life or of things of that nature. However, we can speak to our loved ones in our dreams. I speak to the happiest man on the planet in my dreams. He is with me till the end of circles, circles have no ending. <3 OOO Want to understand more about Conscious Creating? Join us at our ART of Health Restoration retreats in Fiji wonderland. OR send us an email to get your one on one sessions to create YOUR total life of BLISS! I pray this resonated with you on some levels. Take all the 'time' you need, as it IS on YOUR side. Be sure to take a look at our ART of Restoration page to gain more insights on Creating YOUR Best Life NOW! ~Isabella Lynnette Marie The ART of Ayahuasca. To partake or not.My observations and insights
Before I go into my personal insights and observations, I want to give you an overview of what this plant is and does. You will see in this article both the PROS and the CONS of drinking this tea brew. You will see my personal nightmare of an experience for 3 months. (I did not partake personally, however, my husband did, UNknowningly.) I want to let you know what this is and what it is all about. Also, for those of you whom are 'Christians' and think this may be of 'UnGodly' intent and to use this tea is a sin, then I would kindly ask you to look in your own kitchen pantry and see what you have that is more than likely very UnGodly. Also, take a look in your medicine cabinets of all the Rx and OTC drugs you are 'legally' taking in which harms the temple that God so lovingly provided for you to live in. You will be surprised of how 'sinful' your kitchen and medicine cabinets really are. Think about those things. Those whom partake in the poisonous drugs that are deemed "legal" by the powers that be are just as sinful as those who are purchasing 'street drugs.' More Rx drugs kill hundreds of thousands yearly in the world. That topic is for a different article. Please absorb the details in this article before you get so hasty to throw stones. My understanding of this tea came from online research, emails from people, and in person interviews with different Healers. Please and thank you for sharing. Vinaka VakaLevu~
What is Ayahuasca?Ayahausca pronounced: (ī-yə-ˈhwäs-kə) better phonetics: (I-ya`-wus-Ka) A giant vine native to South America (especially Banisteriopsis caapi), noted for its "psychotropic" properties. However, is it really psychotropic /psychedelic? This vine is known as the 'Vine of the Soul', 'Spirit Vine' and 'Vine of the Dead'. Perhaps the more reasonable attribute is that it brings you into complete conscience of inner awareness and understanding. (Only if taken with the oversight of a Shaman/Healer/Medicine Man/Woman.) The vine grows abundantly in the Amazon Rain Forest, for that matter, in most Rain Forests such as Fiji. (I wish I would have been aware of this.) It is also commonly known as "Hoasca" or "YAGE." Ayahausca is a brew of various psychoactive infusions or decoctions prepared with the Banisteriopsis caapi vine. The finished brew is referred to as: “La Medicina,” the medicine. It is either mixed with the leaves of dimethyltryptamine-containing species of shrubs from the genus Psychotria or with the leaves of the Justicia pectoralis plant which doesn't contain DMT. DMT is a mixture of two different plants — a perennial shrub called chacruna (Psychotria viridis) and the ayahuasca vine (Banisteriopsis caapi). Chacruna contains a substance called dimethyltryptamine or DMT. The primary ingredient of chacruna and chagropanga is also a neurotransmitter found in all human beings and plays a key role in all kinds of extraordinary states of awareness. Dimethyltryptamine, or DMT is a powerful, naturally occurring hallucinogenic compound, structurally related to a drug you may have heard of before: LSD. "The chemical structure of Ayahuasca is closely related to the chemical structure of some neurotransmitters secreted naturally in our brain's DMT. Monoamine regulates the amount of serotonin and dopamine in our neurotransmitters. The DMT's component propellant are held responsible for dreams, every night when we sleep. Our brain from the pineal gland secretes small amounts of DMT, and for this reason, we relax and have visions in our dreams." DMT is found in hundreds of plants around the world. Here is an interesting point about DMT. Naturally-formed DMT has been found in the bodily fluids of people diagnosed as suffering from schizophrenia, a severe mental disorder, in which sufferers interpret reality abnormally. According to the Mayo Clinic, “Schizophrenia may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and behavior that impairs daily functioning, and can be disabling.”> (the last quoted paragraph comes from HERE. "Ayahuasca is a way of making available DMT, a very powerful stimulator of seretonin receptors in the brain," says David Nutt, founder of Drug Science, and the former chair of the advisory council on the misuse of drugs. "Basically, DMT doesn't normally get into the body because it's broken down by the stomach. However, what native Americans learned hundreds of years ago was that if you make a drink with the plant product that contains DMT, and mix it with a bark product, the bark product acts as a blocking agent and the DMT can get into the body." Why should I drink Ayahausca?
Good question. OK, so this will make Christians wonder why the hell we would do such a thing. As I mentioned on some videos, there are certain modalities to assist us in really awakening our inner being and our pineal gland also known as the 3rd eye. I have discussed partaking in the Peyote ceremonies. Peyote is another plant/mushroom that enables you to explore your core being to release any negative entities from yourself and come to understand the darkness that lurks within your core. It also helps you to become aware of past demons that should be purged from your system. These medicinal plants are great aids to help you release your inner demons from times past. Partaking in these ceremonies, as a Certified Medicine Woman, allows me more insight to help guide others on their journey to break the chains of the hauntings deep within. The Ayahausca tea is much more powerful than it's relative, Peyote because it allows you to unveil the darkness that may or may not lurk inside you.
When one wishes to embark on this journey for soul/ chain breaking, then they must have much courage and not be timid as they must face their demons of times past. Therefore, when partaking in this tea, it is very important that you know what you are about to engage in and have a Healer/Mentor/Medicine Person with you, to guide and coach you through the experience. Depending on the history of experiences you have had in your life, will depend on if you have a complete night of total bliss and better happier enlightenment, or a complete night of total terror or delusions, that you could never imagine or think up on your own. You will get what you need in your healing or growing process, not what you want. My healing process with Peyote has always been of the colorful and happier enlightenment nature, with no horrible demons creeping around me. However, when I experienced a deeper journey with the Peyote, I was able to release some monsters lurking in my mind, from my life 26 years ago. I was able to deal with and release all of those horrid demons that I had tucked so far away. I was able to feel the pain once again and release the final chains that were confining me in a tunnel. This was great as it expanded my horizons and awakened me to an even deeper meaning of life. It did indeed help me to feel a deeper connection with myself and embrace self love and total freedom from the worldly 'normalities'. With that being said, I only dealt with the demons from my ex-husband from 28 years back, however, I dismissed some loose threads still lingering deep inside. They were never a threat over the past 15 years until some spirits got entangled with me, from the demons that were unleashed from my partner's partaking of the Ayahausca. I believe he did not have knowledge of taking this Aya, due to the nature of how everything was done. More about my 3 month experience below.
Sure, I hear you now, some of you will say, but Lynnette I have God to help me heal. Great and that is what should be done. However, God can ONLY help you if you help yourself. Did you think of that? See, the human brain tucks away so many dark secrets that are never to be seen again until something 'triggers' an emotion to release the demon from within. ONLY if you allow those demons to come out full force, will you be able to find who you really are and enjoy TRUE FORGIVENESS of yourself, and others whom may have harmed you, whether it be physically or emotionally. Get it? There are way too many people suffering with some type of depression or sadness or even emptiness in which they are unable to dive deep into their hidden abyss. This person will often try to hide and suppress those demons from the past by pretending to be happy or something they are not sure of. Therefore, to help guide someone into their caged past, will help them uncover and deal with things that they tucked deep inside, instead of throwing them out. Just like hypnosis works for some people to get over their addictions or depression or whatever psychological emotion is ailing them, the Ayahausca and Peyote will help one to over-come the hidden demons lurking inside. This allows a person to acknowledge and face those demons that are holding them back from making good decisions in their life. Make sense? Good. Now you understand why someone would partake in such a mind altering plants.
Please also keep in mind that when partaking in the Ayahausca tea, it is important to realize that you will be having deep and extreme emotions to release and let go of. It is inappropriate to use this plant in a recreational manner, as it is sacred for ceremonies of healing therapy and a spiritual journey. Ayahausca has allegedly no addictive properties, therefore it is allegedly non-addictive. It is also good to note that Ayahuasca is a sacred purifying plant that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, sweating and other effects of purification, this is called purging. Believe it or not, many Veterans are turning to Ayahausca in order to deal with their onset of psychological disorders from wars and killings. It has been noted that Veteran, Richard Stroder, turned to Ayahausca after many attempts with Rx drugs and VA hospital appointments. He found no relief in the world of Rx meds. Stroder found relief when he found his way into the jungles of Puru as he was steadfastly searching for ways to heal from PTSD and rid his nightmares. He is now an advocate of psychedelic treatment. You can find more on this guy HERE. Ayahausca ceremonies will help you to also see spirits of those from your deceased family, or traumatic memories from your childhood. Also traumatic memories from your adult life in which you have hidden deep inside. Also, please take note that some people venture into drinking Ayahausca thinking that it is a "miracle" antidote for all their troubles and past problems. Beware! It is not a quick fix or take it and forget about it kind of thing. It is for deeper healing with experienced healers, medicine men/women or shamans. It is meant to be a ceremonial brew to help heal the complete spirit and mind. When taken in the right manner, it is a huge modality when dealing with the demons of the past. Another note to mention is there was a study of depression done by the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. What did they find? "There were “statistically significant reductions of up to 82 percent in depressive scores” between baseline and days 1, 7 and 21 after the subjects took the AYA. According to the “Present Feelings Scale of Texas Revised Inventory of Grief,” the ayahuasca group presented a lower level of grief and demonstrated some psychological and interpersonal benefits. Open-ended responses from this group also included descriptions of emotional release." (excerpts taken from HERE .) These studies show us that the benefits of Ayahausca are great and can help many in overcoming their demons or depression. As you can see by now, it is dealing with past soul wounds and trauma in which to totally heal the mind and spirit that are causing people to partake in this tea ceremony. It helps to deal with many emotions lurking deep within your core. Partaking in this ceremony will help you to 'purge' the demons and to overcome the grief that was inflicted within you. When partaking of this tea, the 'purging' of the system will happen. One will vomit or have a lot of diarrhea, nausea, body aches, flu-like symptoms, sweating, chills or even feel like they have food poisoning. Most people experience these effects during the ceremony. This is all called the 'purge' to release all the grief you have been harboring or trauma you need to deal with. The plant will let you know what you need. The Native Indians and Shaman say that the plant speaks to you and releases what you need. However, if this tea is taken outside of a ceremony or taken as a recreation such as with Kava/Grog nights or other influences, then the effects can be life altering in a completely negative way or in a way that takes you back to revert to childhood. Some can never come out of the effects of this. Especially when you take such a tea and you do not even know that you are taking it, then the effects can be so devastating that you will not be able to find yourself or get relief from any demons lurking inside, as you have no idea what you have even done. It would take someone in the know to realize what you have been subjected to. This is why it is so very important to take this tea in a ceremony with experienced healers to guide you through your experience. Most successful Ayahausca experiences have had a series of ceremonies to completely clear their soul. With that being said, when one takes this UNknowingly or as a recreational tool with other things such as Marijuana, alcohol or even Kava, then the effects can indeed be long lasting and detrimental to ones mental state. This plant is supposed to heal the mind and actually heal and repair the brain cells, and in most cases help to heal a traumatic brain injury...UNLESS you have taken it in the wrong way. The the effects are opposite of good. The effects, as mentioned above, can last weeks or even months or a point of no return. (Allegedly, that is a rare case) Imagine over 10 plus years of therapy being downloaded into one night! That is a lot of healing to cope with. Therefore, if taken outside of a ceremony or with rx drugs or with anything else whatsoever, the results can be devastating and lasting as the person will not know how to deal with such experiences. There are thousands of cases of people being healed around the world from severe emotional disorders, physical disorders and even fatal disorders. Again, it is in the manner in which you take it. People have even been allegedly cured of addictions. Let's not forget to mention there is a great rate of positive cancer remissions. *Please take an important note: IF YOU ARE TAKING ANY TYPE OF DEPRESSION / ANXIETY MEDICATION, TAKING THIS PLANT CAN BE DEADLY! It is also not known what other Rx drugs may interfere with this plant and cause a toxic combustion. If you are going to partake in this, be sure to have your system cleared of the drugs you have been taking. Furthermore, please consult with an experienced Medicine Man/Woman or your holistic healthcare provider. How is Ayahausca prepared?
To create Ayahuasca tea, the two plants are combined and boiled over a fire for many hours. Typically, Ayahausca is prepared before a ceremony in a sacred setting in which is a ritual in and of itself. Brewing of this tea takes time, a lot of patience and care. The vine is pounded in a manner similar to that of the pounding of the Kava root vine. Kava is not cooked, while Ayahausca is cooked for many hours. Exact instructions of brewing of this tea can be found here. However, after the Ayahausca is brewed, it will keep for weeks and even months for future use.
My Experience of a Night Mare
OK, so now for my experience. Although, I cannot pinpoint the actual ways or places this was made and taken, I can tell you my experiences with my husband, Jonathan. As a lot of you know, I have been sharing in our quaint family group on FaceBook, of my journey of one of the happiest and healthiest times of my life....gone bad in the blink of an eye. I never saw it coming as I was not prepared to look for such signs because I did not know that this plant was available or grew in Fiji. Just as with any place in the world, there are going to be some rougher people in the area. I will not go into full detail as to what happened on a daily basis, but I will tell you the overview. If you would like more details, please send an email. Vinaka!
Our life was happy and untouchable, err umm, or so we thought. We were living on cloud 28 and teaching others how to be as happy and abundant as we both were and how to manifest their desires. When did things change? First, when I began to hibernate in my room to work on finishing the edits of our book, The ART of Health Restoration, finishing the Rainbow Warrior guide book, my next book, and getting all my new contracts in the works. Therefore, I needed complete silence and zero distractions. I kindly asked him to leave the house during the day to play pool or hang out with his friends, but to please come check in on me throughout the day and go to the market for us. Ok, so skipping over to the next portal. Being with a person whom has suffered with a traumatic brain injury, I passed off a lot of things he would do as I just said to myself, he will get it through his head after about the 4th time of me telling him. I said this as this was how long it took him to process things that were said earlier. Therefore, I missed ALOT of signs of distress. Shame on me, as I was too consumed in my own world of the toxic computer to do my writings! I had also just went through a miscarriage in which I did not get to mourn or heal properly, due to it happening the day we flew back for Fiji. Me being a Medicine Woman, I had it all under control, right? NOPE. I was much more sick than I ever thought, due to not getting proper care or caring for myself or even taking time to grieve about it. I had prayed long and hard for me to be pregnant, but I failed to pray for me to remain in a healthy pregnancy. See, again, your thoughts will become things! I have now had a chance to regroup, grieve over the loss and to heal my body completely of all the debris still caught up inside due to not caring for myself properly. That's all another story though. My husband began to slowly stay out longer and longer and he began to smoke wacky weed even more and more. This weed did not have a good form of medicinal properties at all, I could not even stand to partake in it. I begged him to stop smoking this as it was bad for him and had began changing his personality. He would rebuke me in stating that I am a 'Medicine Woman' and I should realize how healing that weed is. Umm, nope, sorry sir, it is not good at all for you, and please stop smoking it, period! Unfortunately, he did not. However, I thought that was really what it was, NOT knowing what was lurking in the darkness while he was out. (Although Savusavu was extremely safe, the police and Fijians always like to make sure the women are well protected at all times.) As the days went on, he began to not come home and he would come home then leave again shortly, with nowhere to be found. I would even get the police to look for him with no avail on most nights. The police in Fiji are awesome! They were always worried about me being home alone in the middle of the night. This became bothersome, but I just passed it off as he made 'new friends', right? I also knew that there couldn't possibly be anything to do wrong as we lived on a small island and everyone knew us. What I did not know, was the other plants that were taken recreationaly during his outings. Wow! So he would begin coming home at 2, 3 and 6 in the morning in which our neighbor was calling me to come get him off the ground and our landlord would call me to come wake him up at 7 in the morning. Hmm, yes, call me crazy for putting up with this, but I passed it off on the stupid 'bad weed' mixed with drinking Kava/Grog all night. (I stopped putting up with this after 2 months.) My Fijian friends will know what it means to have 'Grog Sessions' all night. That is where the phrase 'Fiji Time' comes into play! Kava is also referred to as 'Grog.' It is a very calming root and makes the day after to be very slow and mediocre. The days and nights went on and on with the same repetition occurring. At one time, I looked into his eyes and saw darkness and emptiness and I told him then ,that his personality was altering and he was changing. One morning, I awoke and felt the demon present in which I was afraid. It was an eerie spooky feeling that I cannot describe here. He became very abrupt and nasty when I would bring his actions to his attention. (Much more went on as the days and weeks passed by). He was NOT the partner I ever knew and loved, this was not his demeanor at all. To his defense, I too become abrupt in the last 3 weeks of being in Fiji, I did indeed slap him and push him a couple of times. The police wanted to handle Jonathan, but I told them I had it. This is NOT something that I would ever do to someone. I had not thought about pushing or slapping anyone since my ex-husband, 28 years ago! Wow! What came over me?? (There is more to how that nasty demon manifested in my being. It had to do with a WRITTEN name and phone number that was placed upon my visual board by my husband. More to that in my videos on FB and YouTube) I was so stressed and so sick by that time that I had no clue what was even happening. The night after, I landed myself in the hospital for 4 days due to a massive kidney and gallbladder attack! Wow! (No worries, I still have my gallbladder and no Rx drugs were administered on me, just real foods!) After returning to the states, it was realized that I had suffered another miscarriage and was not a gallstone, which is why I became more sick than I realized.
Moving right along. My brain was really foggy and my mind was so confused as to all the happenings that were proceeding before my very eyes. Other things began happening right under my nose and I could not fathom what was really going on nor could I believe what was happening in my life. It all seemed so surreal and foggy, just like a dream. This was NOT the husband I knew or the husband that all else knew and loved. He had become a totally different person. I accused him of being like a child. Sure all people accuse their spouse or friend of that, but I told him in a real way, as he was literally speaking differently and acting so child-like. Remember, in the above paragraphs, the child like symptoms? I am certain that my attitude changed as well and I became a darker person with veils clouding my vision and thoughts.
On a few occasions, he would come in the house briskly to throw up! I was like, Babe, what in the world is wrong? He would not know and blamed it on his surgery two years ago. I was like, we have you all well and healed and you have eaten NOTHING to give you an upset stomach. He would then have spells of diarrhea. I blamed that on a soup I made for my kidney health. However, his diarrhea lasted much longer than two days of soup. It would come and go. Wow, little did I know! Then at night, he would get major sweats! Granted, living in Fiji for over a year, you get really hot! However, your body gets used to it and adjusts. He had not been like this since after the first month we were there. He then complained of his body aching and other ailments in his body. I had tried everything to get to the cause with no avail. I even had our local doctor to check him out to make sure no new scar tissue or other stones had formed. He was clear. Therefore, I had no remedy for him. The issues just got worse over the last few weeks we were together in Fiji. His outings became more overnight and use of the wacky weed and kava continued on and little did I know, he was the prey of the Ayahausca! How do I know? After speaking with one of my well versed friends, Sherri, an Investigative Journalist, she let me know what she thought was happening and what he might be victim to. Sadly, this was not known till I arrived back in the states and then coming out to tell everyone of our UNlikely split as partners.
Looking back and seeing ALL the evident signs and talking with some of my Fijian friends, it is obvious that this was the case. Unfortunately, with his brain injury and the use of the weed and not taking this plant correctly, he fell victim to the 'Fun' of the Fijians who just really like to have fun. I really do not think they meant to do any harm at all, you have to understand their culture. Besides, taking this Ayahausca is not going to kill someone. Or is it? It can kill you if you are taking anti-depressants during the time. OR it can kill your spirit because you have NO clue how to cope with the demons in which are creating thoughts in your head. Remember, the brew can stay bottled for weeks and months before consuming it. It is made into a tea to drink alone or some mix with Kava. I saw all of these plastic bottles filled with what I thought was an alcohol concoction or their 'magic drink' as they would call it when I asked them. As you can see in photo above, the Aya looks a lot like Kava/Grog. I never drank it or tried it, therefore, I did not know at the time what was really in the bottles. (It could have very well been hard liquor or spiked Kava.) When you do not understand the realm of these demons manifesting in your being, you just think that what ever your thoughts you have, are real in the present time. I was especially concerned with his condition already and him creating the 'Perfect Storm' brewing in his core. Go back and read the paragraph where I mention that in bad scenarios taking AYA in the wrong manner, can last for weeks, months and even years. However, there are some people in the country whom are not so nice or good and will do certain rituals or silent ceremonies for the fun of it. All in all, though, Fiji is a wonderland of abundant creations and paradise. The people are amazing and the culture is back to the realness of the earth. Love my Fiji HOME!
Ok, back to the story. Well, as I mentioned, I am not going into really indepth detail. Things just became so over-the-top unreal that you really can't make this shit up! The role my partner took on, was the role of a child. It was so sad, as I see it clearly now. He was desperately wanting to leave and rid his childhood memories, as he told me all year long, and he was never ever wanting to go back to the USA. In fact, he refused to come back to the states to help me with my tour unless I showed him our return flight back to Fiji in 2 months! It was all I could do to get him to call his family. Every week I would ask if he had called them. He had not and would say, "I will call when I call and they are fine." He just did not want to go back or really talk to them, with the exception of his younger sibling. How interesting. How dare ME not to realize the deep reality of his emotions. Afterall, I am a healer and teacher. (Sadly, I was consumed in projects to finish, for us, and wanted to get our funds in as soon as I could.) The very place he was trying to 'escape' is the very place he ended up going back to! I am telling you all of this, to show you how his changes became almost instant and totally the opposite of who he really was. He became a very manipulative person in just over 3 weeks time. He conned and lied so much that you could not believe anything he would say. This just was not him or his actions. I kept my positive thoughts on though, and kept an open mind that he was just 'going through some desperation' of some sort. Therefore, I did not fault him, but I did become angry with his actions. He went on so much as to deceive Fiji Immigration! (Who does that?!) That is a whole other story. I am telling you this so you can see how much this guy changed in just a couple of short months. Those of you who are in our group on FB will understand this better, those of you wanting to know more, please join our FB group in The ART of Health Restoration. Those actions I just described, were NOT his attitude at all. (If they were, then I close this case and mark it up to the most evil of cons that have been around my arena since my ex-husband.) With that being said, am I blaming his behavior solely on Ayahausca? No, not at all. However, I do feel this is the key to his actions and change of personalities. Some of you have seen his actions since his return to the USA, NOT logical, nice, ethical or loving. See, the other problem is, we are now back in the states in which he has chosen to erase our life and any memories we had together. Therefore, I am at a loss for words or any reasoning for any of his actions. This is fine, as it is a learning journey and a great lesson in life to learn. I always say, 'teachers need teaching and healers need healing'. The unknown secrets will remain in the vines of the trees on the mountains of Fiji, as I will really never know everything that took place. Conclusion. There were indeed many entities that came into play during this time, such as the complete storm of Aya, alchohol, wacky weed and grog.
As you can see in the photos. He LOVED his Fijian friends. He was happy and healthy. Center pic: Our Fijian brothers: Nui and Kula. The 3 of them had great connections and ties and loved each other so much! He loved our 'Mother' Etha. She adored her 'sonny'. As you can see, there was a great bond that he and Chief Amore`, of Vivili Village, had. He so loved this guy. Now, pictured to the right, you can see the darkness and lifelessness in his eyes. Just so you know, he did not just leave ME, he left ALL of his friends and adopted family. (It is very rare, by the way, to gain such trust from Fijians and be so close to them.) He refuses to be in communication with them and will not accept their out reach for friend request on social media. This is so sad as they miss him dearly. You be the judge. Or perhaps he was just pretending the entire time he was in Fiji? We lived there over a year. (I still live there) Hmm, we really do not think this is the case.
*Update. As of April 15, he has been in touch with just a select few of our Fijian family.
#ayahausca #vineofthedead #vineofthespirit #yage #hausca #purging
photos disclaimer: all photos have been taken from free sites in my research of this tea. I usually post my own photos, however, I had none of Ayahuasca. If you see your photo, please let me know the site it came from. Of course I have my own photos of us together and our Fijian friends. The single photo of Jonathan is taken off a public google search that is noted on his profiles. Thank you.
You may be surprised of my different outlook.What it can do for or against your body. As a Medicine Woman and Organic Guru, of all things natural and organic in health, you may find my discovery and heart crushing experiece surprising. I will not go into great detail about all the many studies or researches on this healing plant, you can research all of that for yourself. I just want to enlighten you first hand on what I witnessed and what I came to realize. First, let me state that I am in SUPPORT of the use of Medicinal Cannabis/Hemp/CBD Oil and even for recreationnal OCCASIONALLY smoking it. It is, after all, Nature's most perfect plant. Food, clothing, shelter, fuel, paper and Medicine. It is also great for smoking it when you have a sickness with pain such as cancer, as it helps to relieve the pain. It does work well for me, as a kidney patient. It helps the pain. However, here in Fiji, they use toxic synthetics with the growing of this sacred plant. Therefore, it did NOT do well for my body and was a severe downer and even made me swell up a bit. Also, I was NOT in support of "legalizing" it. Why? Well, when 'they' legalize something, it is only in THEIR best interest and they begin to alter things. They already began to start making the synthetic version of marijuana, therefore making it very toxic. Next, they are going to make it where ONLY the synthetic version of this plant will be 'legal'. All sounds fantastic! Nope! Mixing synthetics with this sacred plant is very bad news for the environment and YOUR health. Growing this plant with the use of man-made pesticides, herbicides, etc, is the same....BAD for your health and the environment. That being said, after much pain-staking energy used and experiencing a very sad heart-crushing thing happen to a dear friend of mine, I am going to give you my insights on the use of Marijuana. You see, just as with all things, you must be continually aware of how your own body reacts and how things affect you and your mind. As I continued to see my amazing friend partake in not only medicinal uses of the MJ / Hemp / Cannabis plant but also partake by recreational smoking, I began seeing drastic changes in their attitude. The attitude was not violent, but rather argumentive and mind manipulating, or trying to do that. I became very concerned of their well being of consuming weed as they were showing signs of distress, being sleepy all the time and irritated. They not only became irritated with me, but also with their spouse and they began fading away from each other. I continued to ask them to stop going out so much and refrain from smoking this type of weed as it is causing a different effect than what you have experienced in the past. My friend said, "Ha, you of all people being a Medicine Woman, should know that smoking this stuff only makes you more energetic and happier and is so good for your body"! I said, well, yes, of course, the RIGHT kind is all of that, however, you have got a hold of some bad stuff it seems, because you are showing an attitude of defensiveness. (Keep in mind that this particular situation was far different than they had experienced in the past.) There were also other influences in which enabled my friend to always have access to their 'wacky weed'. Although smoking this plant is not addictive, it can be very uneasy on the brain, especially when you do not know the source from which the plant came from, or it is laced with synthetics or even partaking of only the downer types of the plant, it can wreak havoc upon your brain, thoughts and reasoning. As I tried to help my loving friend from a distance and begged them not to use this plant for recreational OR medicinal any longer, the more intense their brain's demeanor became, the more side-tracked they became and the more they craved the intensity of this particular strand of downer, possibly grown with toxic chemicals. Not to mention that my friend had some prior health issues and this was a drastic change for them to experience. Their body was actually rejecting the weed this time. The intensity of the use of this plant turned into the more use of alcohol while smoking. (This rarely happens, mainly when others are doing other things and influence one to smoke AND drink.) This deeply saddened me to know that a simple and most powerful healing plant, in all of nature, could have such an effect on one's mind and demeanor. The weeks went by then the months went on. After a while of smoking marijuana and chasing it with alcohol, sometimes, they would not drink alcohol at all with it, this particular strand and the way it was grown, had an increasingly horrible effect on this person in which I knew was a great person, but their actions spoke loudly of rebellion and despair. I began to wonder when the last time was that I had seen my friend truly engage in the happiest times of their life without the use of apparent toxic weed and alcohol on top. I watched this special soul get caught up in all the seemingly 'innocent' outings of smoking and sometimes drinking alcohol on top of smoking, thus keeping my dear friend out till wee hours of the morning. I told them that this was no lifestyle for a married person to be partaking in because it is affecting their brain in a different way than most weed does and they were slowly drifting away to a life of destruction and turmoil in their marriage. Sometimes, they would not get home till early morning of the sunlight. They lived in a small town which would seem like no big deal for one to be doing such nonsense, because , afterall, there was nothing more to do in that town and everyone knew everyone. Therefore, I kept silent and watched my friend's brain get side-tracked from the true meaning of life and marriage (but what business was that of mine, hey?) . This crushed my heart. You see, this is a dear gentle spirited friend of mine in whom got entangled with the wrong crowd and wrong types of Cannabis. They seemed to be all so happy and loving, but irritation and paranoia had finally set in. They were chasing their own shadow. (To their defense, their spouse did not chime in until it was almost to late. Their spouse just pushed them away at the same rate the other went down the dark path.) My friends, just as it is important to KNOW the source of your food chain, you must also know the SOURCE of any herbal medicines before you put them in your body. You see, the use of this amazing plant, even for recreational purposes, is a good thing. I know, I know, some of you are dead set against the use of any form of it. Please understand this plant is NOT a drug. What do you think the pharmaceuticle industry sells you? What do you take when you go to the doctor or hospitals? You take DRUGS that are HUMAN made and NOT made by our awesome Creator and are not NATURALLY grown in nature. Stress does far more damage to the body than pure natural Cannabis/Hemp/Weed/Marijuana ever could. That being said, the use of this plant to smoke it, COULD wreak havoc on your system due to the toxic chemicals used to grow it. It can have a mind altering effect on you, especially if you suffer from things like neurological disorders, spinal injury or a head injury. It can make you paranoid or extremely emotional. I, however, have never witnessed violence from the use of it, nor have I witnessed or heard of any fatalities such as car crashes by using this plant alone. When you hear of fatalities and violence in on police reports, they will usually ONLY report that the 'guilty party' had Marijuana in their system. What they fail to let the public know is that the 'guilty' was also mixing this with the use of alcohol or other harsh drugs. Please get all the facts before pointing any fingers at someone who partakes in smoking of this plant. Furthermore, the use of PURE and natural UNtainted Marijuana has NEVER been proven to be the sole cause of fatalities. Getting a hold of the wrong strands or the wrong type of growing methods, can severely have mind altering effects on a person. Here are a few Pros and Cons of this Sacred PlantWhat a beautiful and amazing plant this really is! A plant for all your needs. Food, clothing, shelter, paper and fuel! Marijuana, more popularly known as cannabis, marihuana and even ganja, is basically a psychoactive drug. Extracted from the plant Cannabis sativa, or Cannabis sativa subsp. Indica, it is used for recreational, religious or spiritual, and medicinal purposes. Pros
Read more at CONS:
I kept this article short and to the point. At least, I hope you got my points. You can do you research further to see if partaking in smoking marijuana recreationally is right for you! Taking it for medicinal purposes is an entire different story. Consuming this plant as a food or CBD oil or edibles, has completely different effects on your body. Granted the cannabis is of a pure and toxic-free nature. Moral of this story is: be sure to KNOW the sources of your weed before consuming or smoking it. If you have any neurological disorders, brain injury, or a rare disorder, then please take extra precaution before smoking this sacred plant. Although, there is no hard evidence that smoking this plant can be addictive, it can have the appearance of addictiveness as the person just loves and enjoys smoking it. It can easily be left alone and with OUT any with draws that one would experience by stopping the use of toxic street drugs.
Take care my friends. If you have a loved one that you see a drastic change in after changing their smoking habits, please intervene before it gets to out of hand and leads them to a spiral down hill explosion. Author: Lynnette Marie I Apologize, but I am NOT Sorry. Find out why.Bula! Everyone. First let me begin by saying how much I really appreciate you all for your friendship or following. Some of you know me personally, while others know me via FB only. Many of you have followed me for several years as some of you are new to my pages. For each of you, I thank you and am deeply grateful. For those of you who do not know me very well, I do not want to state to much here as you can read all my bio on my web page at: HERE However, I am an extremely passionate individual whom is devoted to making the world a much better, brighter, joyful and safer place. What I mean by ‘safer’ is to keep safe products on the market for you and your family. I am passionate due to my long journey dealing with my son’s deadly disease of Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis, while doctors continued to lie and withhold information. I set out on a quest to make awareness, then to educate and lastly to wake the masses up and show them who is lying and who is stealing your money and who the actual frauds are. (You can read more of my journey via my website on my bicycle tour page). I am making a PUBLIC APOLOGY. Yes, you heard me right. However, I am NOT sorry. I will explain why. I am typically not sorry for any postings that I make or information that I put out for the public to see. Most of you have been seeing some, over the edge, posts to expose fraud, schemes, cover-ups and out-right lies. Some of you are taken back by my blatant postings while others understand my nature. While my posts may seem to be of “hatred”, “anger”, “rude” or even “unhappy”, I can assure you that is the farthest from the truth. Those of you who know me, can attest that I am one of the genuinely happiest people on the planet and I walk my talk and preach what I practice. Do I make mistakes? Hell yes! Who doesn’t? Do I say stupid shit? All the time, well a lot! Do I make people angry or upset? Not on purpose! Do I lie? Hell no! Do I steal other’s content? Nope! (It does not give me a sense of feel good unless I know it came from within MY mind) This is why it takes me so much longer to write something as I am doing my research and coming up with my own words and thoughts of the matter. If I say something from someone else, then I clearly quote it and state the source. Some see me as having a ‘razor tongue’ others see me as stating the truth. Either view is OK. The thing that should not be dismissed, is that the information in which I post comes from pure exposure of the fraudulent propaganda that is continually bombarded in our faces. Therefore, I walk a thin line when making public post that people are not ready to see or hear.
Here’s the deal. The reason I began my journey way back in 2005 (actually before that, in 2000, but 2005 was when I went on to further my research about all the lies I was fed about my son’s deadly disease), was to share the TRUTH about my son’s disease, Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis. I needed to share this message far and wide and tell the public they were being LIED to about the pharmaceutical industry and that their own western doctors were lying! You can read Coty's story HERE. I needed to spread this message to save children from dying from this life threatening disease. I set out on a mission to do just that. I did not care how ‘crazy’ people thought I was, I knew I had to get this out to the masses. My journey then turned to studies, working with holistic doctors and chiropractors then finding the truths of all organic food products and companies. I eventually journeyed on to be a huge proponent of the NON GMO Project. I did tours, marches, protest, made phone calls to the senators, congressmen and governors, spoke in schools, colleges and random events. This all led me to discover and Uncover the hidden dark side of all industries. WOW! Bam! I continued to get blindsided and disheartened by company after company after organization. This was disturbing, therefore, I knew I had to change my OWN ways. I had to change my approach to reach the people with the cold hard factual truths, but this time in the organic and holistic arena. Here’s the deal. It is sometimes a ‘damned if you do’ – ‘damned if you don’t’ scenario. If I choose to keep silent on truths that I see and experience personally, then I am guilty of ‘’not letting others know how to protect themselves’ or let them go down a road of deception when I knew all along. Or if I DO say something, then I am presumed ‘guilty’ of being ‘unhappy’, ‘finger-pointing’, ‘angry’ or ‘hasty’. Here are some facts and thoughts to ponderFACT: NON GMO Project is NOT needed for a label. REASON: ORGANIC means NON GMO. When a product has the Organic seal, then it is automatically tested and verified NON GMO. FACT: NON GMO Verified does not mean the product is not sprayed with toxic pesticides, herbicides or the entire package is not tainted with HFCS, Canola oil, Soybean oil or other toxic ingredients. REASON: The NON GMO Project is only in place to see how many seeds have been genetically modified, they do not test for other toxic poisons in the food supply. Non Gmo project does not deny this. FACT: Vaxxed, The Movie is NOT an Anti-Vaxx movie REASON: They have other visions in which they state on their site FACT: There are NO safe vaccines. REASON: None of them have ever been proven to be safe or effective in any case. Vaccines should be abolished. FACT: Nestle Former CEO and now Chairman; Peter Brabeck-Letmathe stated that ‘Water should NOT be a human right, but rather a commodity”. REASON: Nestle wants to control the water supply for the world and sell it back to consumers for a profit. FACT: Garden of Life partnered with Nestle company. REASON: “To get products in more markets”. Real reason: Nestle and other toxic companies are buying as many organic companies as they can to taint the markets. FACT: Health Nut News did misinform the public about the dead doctors scandal and stole information from other people. REASON: Reasons unknown other than embarking on self glorification on dead people? REAL REASON: To scare the public into thinking that the pharmaceutical industry is going around knocking off random doctors. We have verified sources pertaining to stated findings. Granted there is a lot of disinformation circulating around as well as a LOT of corruption in the government and even in the holistic and organic world. I could go on and on about many stories I have published, but I will keep them to a minimal for this blog. Now, as you can see by the facts listed above, we are NOT biased to any one person, company or organization. Although, some people get hit with the truth, hard, therefore, they do not want to believe that someone has been lying to them or deceiving them all along. Thus, we are seen as 'haters' and 'negative' people. Here are a few definitions to ponder deeply.Definitions: HAPPY: adjective, happier, happiest. 1. delighted, pleased, or glad, as over a particular thing:to be happy to see a person. JOY: noun 1.the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by somethingexceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation: She felt the joy of seeing her son's success. HAPPINESS: noun 1.the quality or state of being happy. good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy. TRUTH: noun, plural truths [trooth z, trooths] (Show IPA) 1. the true or actual state of a matter: He tried to find out the truth. 2. conformity with fact or reality; verity: the truth of a statement. 3. verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like: mathematical truths. 4. the state or character of being true. 5. actuality or actual existence. I am NEVER SORRY for speaking the truth. PASSIONATE: adjective 1. having, compelled by, or ruled by intense emotion or strong feeling;fervid: a passionate advocate of socialism. 2. easily aroused to or influenced by sexual desire; ardently sensual. 3., showing, or marked by intense or strong feeling;emotional: passionate language. I posted the above definitions to make some points. You see, there is a lot of confusion about the use of the words, ‘happy’, ‘truth’, ‘happiness’ and ‘joy’. While one would think that happy would mean the same as happiness, actually they have deeper meanings as you will note above. One is ‘happy’ due to an immediate presence of what is presented in front of them. One can obtain ‘happiness’ by digging DEEPER into the realm of the Unseen. Then we have the meaning of ‘JOY’ in which is the emotion of something greater. Now, we come to ‘truth’. Who wants that? After all, it comes with disappointment and perhaps even ‘unhappiness’, right? As I discussed above, you will note that my missions began with SHOUTING the TRUTHS from the mountain tops and I really did NOT care whom I “offended”. I knew the truth needed to get out to save these precious babies to keep them from dying and to let the world know WHO is lying and why. In all my travels and tours around the country, somewhere along my journey, I, myself, got caught up in this worldly vision of “HAPPY” instead of feeding my soul TRUE JOY. I got sidetracked. Therefore, I began spreading nothing but ‘happy’ and ‘positive’ posts to make you feel all fuzzy inside and make you feel like everything is just wonderful! Now, don’t get me wrong, I AM GENUINELY HAPPY and filled with JOY every single day. However, my ‘truth bomb’ posts appear to make people think that I am full of anger or resentment or I am unhappy. You see, the world has been so manipulated that the word ‘happy’ and ‘positive’ now mean, LOOK THE OTHER WAY and let us do what we want. This comes along with the term: OFFENDED. Isn’t it funny how everyone is offended about everything these days? What people need to realize, is that TRUE JOY, that is what I am switching my language to…the word JOY instead of happy, comes from the UNERSTANDING of truths and reasoning behind the madness. Sure, at the moment of finding out truth, we become unhappy. However, that unhappy feeling should pass quickly as we come to understand the state of being in which it came from. Happiness of Joy is not to be confused with that happy “moment” of instinct. This next paragraph goes out to all of my ‘Christian’ friends whom like to tell me I am not reflecting a good ‘nature’. Hmmm. Really? Jesus said he came to bring 'a sword' instead of peace. Think on these verses.
For all of my Agnostic, Nostic, Buddhist, Spiritual, Hindu or Atheist friends out here, are you following me? The world is an upside down backassward place in which everything is hidden behind the ‘happy’ factor. Everyone wants to happy all the woes away and pretend that nothing is going on in the world around them. True enough, we create our OWN peace and joy within us and we can choose to have JOY or don’t choose. However, we are to teach and help those who need guidance. We are to provide great information for everyone to make their OWN informed decisions. The moral of the story and the points that I am wanting to make are, that posting TRUTHS when you have facts to back them up does not make you an unhappy person! Period. When we fully understand that real JOY and HAPPINESS comes with TRUTH, then we can learn how to LIVE life and protect ourselves with the proper armor. Let me ask you all this question. What if I invited you over to my house for a dinner party. I told you that we are having an “ALL ORGANIC” dinner and you can feel TOTALLY safe when enjoying this beautiful dinner because we sourced from the best farmers, companies and stores. That’s all I told you. You all come. What I did not tell you was, we had gluten in the bread, almonds in the gravy, cow’s milk in the sauce and we used canola oil to cook all the dinner with. How would you feel? Let me guess, “happy”? To summarize this blog article for you. I want the world to know, along with my team of Truth Warriors, how WE want nothing but the betterment for humanity, the planet and to protect organic and holistic standards. We are here to PROTECT you from fraud, lies and deception. We are here to present to YOU, the People, the FACTS of all matters. We want you to have factual information to make your own informed decisions. We are PASSIONATE about the health of the world and getting the true messages out to the world. Our passion is misunderstood as ‘anger’, ‘unhappy’, ‘rude’ and ‘hatred’. We are far from any of these. We truly care about YOU and the planet. We get saddened by the fact that others continue to come in and misrepresent the organic, holistic and natural world of amazing companies and products. We are here for YOU, to make sure you are getting the best of the best information and products for your family. We want YOU to be the healthiest and most informed YOU that you can be! While we want you to experience the “Happy” factor, we want you to be EDUCATED and aware so you can be PREPARED for any adversity that may come your way. This way you can experience REAL JOY & HAPPINESS with having peace of mind and free form wonder. Therefore, our Rainbow Warriors Team is NOT only here to help you get the best of the purest organic products, but to help protect humanity and the planet. Here are more great writings from Rainbow Warrior, Rudy Twomoon: Let Our Voices Echo Another great site for you to reference is: War on We the People. Journalist Sherri Kane, along with her team of journalist, bring you the facts of happenings in our world today. I APOLOGIZE for any misunderstandings that some may have had about my intentions or purpose but I am NOT sorry for speaking the TRUTH and getting
the FACTS out to the world. I hope this clears up any animosity that some of you may have had towards myself or my team of truthers. Vinaka Laka Levu Lynnette Marie |
August 2019